
PeerGuardian and MoBlock Debian packages / News: Recent posts

New project PeerGuardian Linux

There´s a new project: PeerGuardian Linux (pgl), located at the project of the original PeerGuardian:

The new project combines and succeeds all projects that had packages here at There´s the daemon pgld (based on NFBlock, which was based on MoBlock), pglcmd (based on blockcontrol, previously moblock-control) and pgl-gui (by the author of mobloquer).... read more

Posted by jre-phoenix 2009-11-12

blockcontrol 1.4.3 released

Added a watchdog, that restarts blockcontrol if it detects problems. Added support for multiple custom iptables scripts.

Posted by jre-phoenix 2009-05-04

Ubuntu jaunty support via

I decided to make a PPA at This means I upload the source packages, and the binaries are then built for the architectures i386, amd64 and (new) lpia. This will be used for Ubuntu jaunty and later versions. The launchpad packages are signed with another gpg key: 9C0042C8

The apt sources.list entries are:
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main... read more

Posted by jre-phoenix 2009-04-21

moblock-control has been renamed to blockcontrol.

All packages updated.

moblock-control has been renamed to blockcontrol. Have a look at blockcontrol's NEWS:

NFBlock added to the repoitory.

Posted by jre-phoenix 2009-03-22

moblock-control 1.2 released

New handling of blocklists:
- php redirects are supported now. This allows to use the lists from All lists are downloaded from there per default now.
- Since moblock-control 1.1 the default blocklists are by "The Blocklist Group" ( instead of Bluetack (
- The single blocklists are saved in new places now (but still under /var/spool/moblock/.
- The master blocklist (e.g. guarding.p2p) is now saved in /var/lib/moblock/ instead of /etc/moblock/.
- Several changes to make sure that the master blocklist exists and reflects the configuration. All changes are always applied on "start" now.
- The (Debian) installation only requires the blocklists (and therefore network access) to be available, if the automatic start (init) is configured.... read more

Posted by jre-phoenix 2009-01-09

moblock-control is a separate package, all packages updated

All packages have been updated.

Added support for Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex.

moblock-control is a separate package now
So install "moblock" and "moblock-control" to have the functionality of the old "moblock" package.
The custom iptables scripts now are executed per default, too.
See the moblock-control NEWS ( and changelog (

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-09-25

New MoBlock (0.9~rc2-17) packages, moblock-nfq removed

Since the 0.9 series has less bugs and nicer features then the "official" stable 0.8 I removed the "moblock-nfq" package. Updates to "moblock" will be made automatically. Since the case for "moblock-ipq" is a bit complicated this case is not handled automatically. Interested users with old kernel (<2.6.13) please ask for help for transition.
For the other changes see the MoBlock 0.9RC2 debian changelog:
The subversion development repository is updated again!

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-08-19

New MoBlock (0.9~rc2-13) packages

debconf support added, port 80 and 443 whitelisted per default again, LAN traffic automatically whitelisted (experimental), port logging, hopefully removed all bashisms - Have fun.

I have not made a separate file release of moblock-control, yet. Contact me if you want one now.

The development repository is still not updated.

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-07-14

Preview packages / Development repository not updated

Preview packages
You can download preview packages of MoBlock (0.9~rc2-12) here:
Next to many other changes this version has debconf support. Of course I want to know if it works technically. But I'm also interested in feedback about the debconf descriptions. Are they unclear, too technical, ...?

Development repository currently not updated
The version control software that I use (svk) is currently not in Debian lenny, therefore I don't sync my local changes to the development repository.

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-05-29

Repository redesigned, amd64 packages added, new packages

Repository redesigned, amd64 packages added:

Yay, now I can build amd64 packages natively and test them myself. So here you go, get i386 or amd64 packages from

I used this occasion to also make a software change: Now the repository is made with reprepro ( instead of debarchiver ( Therefore the repository now finally has the pool structure (no changes needed on your side). The packages are still built with cowbuilder ( (i386 is emulated, for Debian Etch and Ubuntu Feisty i386 packages I have to use pbuilder ( Because Debian Sid failed to bootstrap I use the Lenny packages there, too. At least currently the dependencies are satisfied on both dists.... read more

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-05-09

Updated packages/moblock-control (MoBlock 0.9~rc2-8)

New default blocklists.
For the other changes see the MoBlock 0.9RC2 debian changelog:

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-04-07

Updated packages (MoBlock 0.9~rc2-7) and moblock-control

This fixes problems with deleted/outdated config files.
See the MoBlock 0.9RC2 debian changelog:

In 0.9~rc2-7 there are only Debian specific changes. So moblock-control stays at the shortly before released version 0.9~rc2-6 which also deals with deleted/outdated config files.... read more

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-03-22

Updated packages/moblock-control (MoBlock 0.9~rc2-4) MoBlock

MoBlock 0.9RC2 debian changelog:

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-03-18

Updated packages, file release

Today, updated mobloquer packages (0.4.1)
some bugfixes.

Already some days ago:

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-03-10

Removed amd64 packages from repository

... because they seem not to work. Now I'm trying to setup qemubuilder. No ETA, sorry. Just compile your own packages for the time being.

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-02-28

Updated packages (MoBlock 0.9~rc2-2)

Now I know that moblock-control does not work with dash, sorry Ubuntu Gutsy users. This version always uses bash now again.

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-02-17

amd64 repository added and New packages (MoBlock 0.9~rc2-1)

amd64 repository added (except Ubuntu hardy, sorry). Since a few days I also provide amd64 packages (cross-compiled on my i386). Thanks to all those who provided amd64 packages in the past.

New packages (MoBlock 0.9~rc2-1)
The range merge bug ( was fixed upstream. So per default multiple blocklists from in peerguardian .p2p text format are used again. Warning, this is another blocklist format, so accept the changes in blocklists.list and moblock.conf on update!
MoBlock 0.9RC2 debian changelog:

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-02-16

new package: mobloquer and new MoBlock package (0.9~rc1-5)

new package: mobloquer, the new GUI for MoBlock by JimTB. With Moblock 0.9rc1 it doesn't show the logging yet, otherwise it's very promising.
New MoBlock package (0.9~rc1-5).
Somehow Moblock doesn't run after the update here, see BUGS: After restarting it everything works wonderful.
Please have a look at the Debian package changelog to get a complete list of the changes:

Posted by jre-phoenix 2008-01-07

MoBlock 0.9 preview

I've started to package MoBlock 0.9 (Release Candidate 1). So here it is moblock (0.9~rc1-1), use it only if you really want to test it. I've renamed the nfq package and skipped the ipq version.
This version now allows to MARK packets instead of DROPping or ACCEPTing them.
I've also added a /etc/moblock/moblock.default configuration file to make future updates easier.
Warning: This version also logs accepted packages, so your logfile will grow faster than usual.... read more

Posted by jre-phoenix 2007-12-29

New MoBlock packages (0.8-38)

All problems on install/update should be removed now again. What a painful weekend.

Debian package changelog:

Posted by jre-phoenix 2007-12-16

New MoBlock packages (0.8-34)

Reverted behaviour of port whitelisting, sorry, I broke this in 0.8-33 :-/

Posted by jre-phoenix 2007-12-15

New MoBlock packages (0.8-33)

Only one default list (nipfilter.dat from bluetack containing most of the old default lists) because of bug 1818886. Changed configuration variables because of simplified whitelisting.

For all the other changes have a look at the Debian package changelog:

Posted by jre-phoenix 2007-12-14

Bad: Security warning, Good: New MoBlock packages (0.8-32)

There's a bug in MoBlock: When you use multiple lists and ranges have to be merged then IPs which are higher than the first merged range aren't blocked. See here:

Workaround: use only one list.
Warning: if you use a list in ipfilter.dat format then you have to change the option how MoBlock loads this.... read more

Posted by jre-phoenix 2007-12-03

New MoBlock packages (0.8-29)

Finally including gutsy versions again.

Just a reminder: Users with kernel 2.6.23 should have a look at The patch from there is already applied.

Posted by jre-phoenix 2007-11-13