
MObG3n Logger Home


Welcome to MObG3n Logger Project

The purpose of this project is to make Java code logging simply non-forgettable. This is in response to most of the developers tends to forget logging the entry and/or exit of a method execution. This vital information is very important especially when the project is already in the maintenance phase. Because in this phase, some production use cases are never tested during the validation phase. These logging information can help isolate this problems.

With MObG3n Logger, it frees the developer to think about this logging information anymore and focus in the business logic. However, this logging information will be introduced in the implementation as Aspect.

[Using Load Time Logging]
[Using Load Time Logging in Tomcat 7]
[Logging other than Method Entry and Exits]
[Including Logging Aspect at Compile Time]
[Refining Target Methods]


Wiki: Including Logging Aspect at Compile Time
Wiki: Logging other than Method Entry and Exits
Wiki: Refining Target Methods
Wiki: Using Load Time Logging in Tomcat 7
Wiki: Using Load Time Logging