
MOAGG / News: Recent posts

Moagg: 1.95b was released

Due a division by zero exception on game startup on Windows hosts using a Java 6 runtime, I replaced the ZIP file in the "1.95" release package.

Sorry for the rather late hotfix. Network support for 1.96 is in good progress but still needs time to be finished...

Posted by Bernhard Trummer 2008-12-06

Moagg: 1.95 was released

This release includes a "ghost mode" support, where levels can be recorded and played back again. Further, level data is now stored in a 'data' directory, so users are able to add own levels or even whole missions.

Posted by Bernhard Trummer 2008-02-08

Moagg: 1.94b was released

Due an ugly NullPointerException on game startup, I had to make a quick hotfix release. I replaced the ZIP file in the "1.94" release package, which size should now be 2368798 bytes.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Posted by Bernhard Trummer 2008-01-31

Moagg: 1.94 was released

Added support for two difficulty levels: 'hard' (like in previous versions) and 'easy', where the ship is moving a bit slower. Further a simple language selection screen was added on game startup.
The difficulty and language can of course also be changed later in the Settings menu.

Posted by Bernhard Trummer 2008-01-30

tiled-moagg-plugin: 0.6.1-1 was released

tiled-moagg-plugin is a plugin for tiled 0.6.1 ( capable of reading and writing moagg maps.
With this release, the first pure-Java alternative to moaggedit now exists.

Posted by Bernhard Trummer 2008-01-26

Moagg: 1.93 was released

This release includes internationalization support and a German translation. Further it's possible now to create screenshots during the game (in PNG format).

Posted by Bernhard Trummer 2008-01-18

Moagg: 1.92 was released

This release includes highscores and a level status bar displaying the current score, fuel, and armor state. It is now the first release that is supposed to be playable by an average end-user.

Posted by Bernhard Trummer 2008-01-06

Moagg: 1.91 was released

This release includes a run.bat script so the Windows folks out there now can start the game out-of-the-box.
Further, some new features were implemented, demonstrated by adapted/new tutorial levels.

Posted by Bernhard Trummer 2008-01-01

Moagg: 1.90 was released

After a long time of silence, Moagg is born again.

Although the game artwork is nearly the same as in the last version (0.18), there are a lot of fundamental changes under the hood.
The most important one is that "Moagg2" now is based on Java 1.5 instead of SDL.

Posted by Bernhard Trummer 2007-12-27