
Cannot Create Tables from MnSetup.php

  • Aaron

    Aaron - 2002-04-12

    When running the MnSetup.php, I get the following:

    Creating Authorization Table...Couldn't execute SQL query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Authorization (AuthorizationID int NOT NULL auto_increment, primary key (AuthorizationID), LessonID int, UserID int, ModifiedBy int, ModifiedDate date)

    So I logged in at command line with the same account I used in MnConf.php file. I was able to create the table with no errors in the MnITS db.

    Any ideas why the PHP script cannot create the tables if the db account DOES have the proper permissions?

    • Aaron

      Aaron - 2002-04-12

      I figured it out. It was a file permission error, as root I was able to create the table, while logged in with my db account. As a regular user I was unable to create or see anything in the db with the same db user. Still a newbie at MySQL.

    • Daniel Bartholomew

      Glad you were able to figure it out. I'm going to try and rewrite the directions for setting up the MySQL users as that seems to be where people have most of their problems.


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