This message is being posted to ALL MnITS forums as an update on the project's status.

This message is to let everyone know that, yes, I'm still alive, and I'm still actively developing MnITS. There have been a couple of setbacks and some political struggles at my college.

The good news is that MnITS is still alive and well. (In fact, it would be impossible to destroy the program because of the GPL (yeah!).) My dean and other administrators are still very much in support of the project and are still allowing me to devote significant man-hours to development.

The bad news is that my state (Minnesota) is in a bit of a budget crunch and the pressure is on our institution to realize every ounce of revenue it can before the fiscal year ends (30 Jun). How does this affect the MnITS project? Well, it means that much of my clock-time between now and then will necessarily be devoted to the content side of things (yuck). There are several one credit modules that need to go live no later than 15 Jun so that we can get students signed up and taking them before 30 Jun. Much of my time between now and then is going to be spent with instructors, and course materials... *sigh*

That said, I am still going to try and squeeze in some updates to MnITS. Be sure to let me know of any bugs you find via the SourceForge Bug system (click on on the "Bugs" link, above, and then on "Submit New"). Source Forge has the tools available, so lets use them.

There are several things that I would _like_ to implement/fix/update over the next couple of weeks, but I will try my hardest to implement/fix/update the things that users and testers report before my own (and if we happen to think the same thing needs much the better).

So there you have it.