
MMS Suite / News: Recent posts

Web Site Relaunch

We have relaunched our website. It still lacks content, but this will change soon. We invite you to participate in this project. Our goal is to create a little community around MMS services and technologies.

Please browse around, give us plenty of feedback and join the discussions in our forum (well, start a discussion would be more appropriate :-)

Posted by Peter Ihme 2004-08-05

MMS Suite 1.0 Patch Released

We discovered that there still was a tiny bug in our last release. We've fixed it and replaced the release with a patched one. It should now run normally.

Posted by Peter Ihme 2003-08-25

MMS Suite 1.0 Released

After a long time of testing we finally decided to release the first version of our MMS Composer and Viewer. It's running stable. There are some visual inconveniences that we will take care of soon.
For the future we plan to work on the feature list as well as on the user satisfaction when using the program.

Posted by Peter Ihme 2003-08-11

More Images Uploaded

We have uploaded some images to the website for the convenience of our users. They have the proper size to be used in a MMS message. Feel free to use them in MMS messages.

Check it out and enjoy!

Posted by Peter Ihme 2003-08-10

Images uploaded

We have uploaded some images to the website for the convenience of our users. They have the proper size to be used in a MMS message. Feel free to use them in MMS messages.

Check it out and enjoy!

Posted by Peter Ihme 2003-02-16

Good Bye SmartyRam

Ram Mohan left the time. We wish him good luck on his way ahead.

Posted by Peter Ihme 2003-02-11

on the road

The development of MMS suite has grown to a higher level of collaboration through the addition of developers. The team is proud to include Gian Marco Crabargiu and Ram Mohan who will provide additional developments for MMS Suite's Composer. The adddition of Danny Hunt to the team as our software tester will detect possible bugs and errors in the program. And Allan Espinosa's role as an Editorial/ Content writer will make reports and write-ups for MMS Suite's Website and page.... read more

Posted by Peter Ihme 2002-11-20

beta release and web site relaunch

We are proud to announce the release of a beta version of our software. It's available for testing and we hope to recieve valuable feedback on it as well as suggestions for enhancements. For some mysterious reason the software does not run properly on Linux. We - just as you probably - deem this inacceptable and we will solve this mystery asap.

We also announce the relaunch of our web site. It is now much more surfer friendly and soon we will supply our users with images for their MMS documents via this web page.

Posted by Peter Ihme 2002-11-04

Setting up the team

Slowly we're becoming a small team. We welcome Nupur Sarpal, who will do the graphic design, Lakshmi P.G., who will design the web page for us, and, finally, Stefan Drees who is keen on fostering this project as a developer.

Posted by Peter Ihme 2002-10-03

Welcome Home Opi

We are proud to announce that Matthias Rssiger has joined our team.
He was one of the developers of MMS Suite since the very beginning.
We are glad to have him on board.

Posted by Peter Ihme 2002-09-26

Back to work

After about one month of vacations (everyone should pilgrim to Brazil once in his life :-) work on this project will finally resume.

Doors are still wide open for anyone who wishes to contribute to this project.

We also welcome Stefan Drees as new member of the team of developers.

Posted by Peter Ihme 2002-09-21

Sources imported to CVS

The complete sources are now in CVS

Posted by Peter Ihme 2002-07-31

preview screenshots online

Since uploading all the files to CVS takes longer than I expected, I decided to load up some preview screenshots in the meantime. You can take a look onthe project homepage

Posted by Peter Ihme 2002-07-31


This is the first day that this project is online. Please stay tuned while I prepare the files to upload to the CVS

Posted by Peter Ihme 2002-07-29