
#79 View as html


I understand the security needs behind viewing as txt,
but a majority of my emails are html and have already
passed through spam and virus filters on my email
server(s). I would like to ability to double-click on
these emails and have them displayed as email rather
than a bunch of text with html tags that is very hard
to read.


  • joelbav

    joelbav - 2006-08-22

    Logged In: YES

    With all respect to the requesting party...

    On the other side of the coin, adding HTML support would
    nullify the biggest single advantage that Magic Mail offers
    me over the more common email clients: the ability to look
    over an email without the risks. Might as well go with
    Outlook/Eudora/Thunderbird/etc if processing tags and/or
    running scripts are what's needed. Not to mention the
    additional code bloat that would no doubt be required.
    Please don't add this particular "feature" to this excellent
    project (altough native SSL support sure would be sweet...!)

  • Steve Broom

    Steve Broom - 2006-08-29

    Logged In: YES

    Go to "User Preferences" ->"Options" and enter "eml"
    instead of "txt" for "File extension for messages".

    Go to "User Preferences" ->"Actions" and select "Double
    Click" = "Quick View"

    Your previewed messages will then open in your default
    email program by double clicking on the e-mail.

    To have the best of both worlds - security and convenience -
    select "File extension for messages" = "eml"
    "Double Click" = "Preview"

    Double Click will then open a txt preview, but selecting
    Right Click -> Quick View (or Quick Tools -> Quick View)
    will open e-mail in your default e-mail program.


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