
#52 Explorer-style view


The Magic Mail view currently uses a list control in the
top portion for listing the mail boxes and a list control in
the bottom portion to list the messages. I think it would
help to have a the list controls (optionally) be side-by-
side (horizontally) rather than above-and-below
(vertically). Of course for that view, there would be less
data that could be shown for each mailbox. However the
alternative view could provide much more room for
showing messages.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I don't find the Explorer style a good idea, thera are enough
    programs that look like that.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2005-07-05

    Logged In: YES

    I did not say "Explorer style". Read the description again.
    Hint: an "Explorer style" uses a tree control on the left; I said
    nothing about a tree control.

    Also, when I said "alternative view" I meant that I am
    suggesting an alternative view. In other words, it would be an
    option. I am sorry I did not make that clear. If you have only
    one or two mail accounts then this alternative would not be
    useful for you. However for those of us that have several
    accounts, the alternative could allow for more room for
    message lines.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2005-07-05

    Logged In: YES

    I am sorry; yes, I did say "Explorer-style view" in my subject.
    I should not have done that. However if you read my
    description, I am more clear about what I was thinking and
    trying to suggest.


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