Activity for Magic Mail Monitor 3

  • Johnny Johnny created ticket #110

    Login error in Microsoft service (hotmail, etc)

  • psyflex psyflex created ticket #68

    GERMAN Dictionary for MMM 2.97 TBR

  • Heribert Schwanemeier Heribert Schwanemeier posted a comment on ticket #109

    Indeed it does! Thanks for the heads-up!

  • Holger Geiß Holger Geiß posted a comment on ticket #109

    Yes, same for me. I am very happy that MMM works again with my and accounts.

  • Uwe Sieber Uwe Sieber posted a comment on ticket #109

    Yes, same here - GMX works again with MMM :-)

  • Saolvo Saolvo posted a comment on ticket #109

    Hi all, It seems that the issue has meanwhile been fixed by GMX. At least with my account MMM is now again working fine after also having experienced the mentioned trouble until earlier today. Cheers, Sasha

  • Uwe Sieber Uwe Sieber posted a comment on ticket #109

    PopTrayU comes with libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll V1.0.2d from 2005, so the SSL version does not seem to be the problem.

  • Uwe Sieber Uwe Sieber posted a comment on ticket #109

    Same problem here with GMX. Tried with higher TLS support but still have the same problem. I also tried but could not get it work with MMM and GMX. works but after 20 years I would like to stick with MMM.

  • Holger Geiß Holger Geiß modified a comment on ticket #109

    Hi, since a few days I have exactly the same problem with MMM and my "" and another "" mail accounts. My regular mail programs (Thunderbird on Windows and Apple Mail on Mac ) work without problems. As far as I now, and will be provided by 1&1. On another side I found the information that 1&1 has changed something in the login procedure last Monday and MMM seems not to be able to handle this update correctly. I really hope that this problem will be solved soon.

  • Holger Geiß Holger Geiß posted a comment on ticket #109

    Hi, since a few days I have exactly the same problem with MMM and my "" and another "" mail accounts. My mail programs (Thunderbird and Safari ) work without problems. As far as I now, and will be provided by 1&1. On another side I found the information that 1&1 has changed something in the login procedure last Monday and MMM seems not to be able to handle this update correctly. I really hope that this problem will be solved soon.

  • Heribert Schwanemeier Heribert Schwanemeier created ticket #109 Error: Too many errors

  • Software Team Software Team modified a comment on ticket #106

    Hi, the program crashes at startup. Can someone help me? Windows 10 Magic.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x61195193 Code: 0xc0000094 Offset: 0x0001e926 ID : 0x248 can everybody help me?

  • Software Team Software Team modified a comment on ticket #106

  • Software Team Software Team posted a comment on ticket #106

    Hello friends! Where can i find this version will help with higher TLS support?

  • muspilli muspilli posted a comment on ticket #106

    Thanks a lot! It works very well.

  • Karsten Triebler Karsten Triebler posted a comment on ticket #106

    Wow, thank you! Gesendet: Sonntag, 15. August 2021 um 19:46 Uhr Von: "Igor Green" <> An: "[mmm3:feature-requests] " <> Betreff: [mmm3:feature-requests] #106 Doesn't work with TLS higher than 1.0 Hello friends! Can you please check if this version will help with higher TLS support? [feature-requests:#106] Doesn't work with TLS higher than 1.0 Status: open Group: Next Release (example) Labels:...

  • luis luis posted a comment on ticket #106

    Hi Igor. I too can confirm it is working well. Thank you very much!

  • Igor Green Igor Green posted a comment on ticket #67

    Thank you, TAF!

  • TAF® TAF® modified a comment on ticket #67

    BTW! Great Proggie, guys!

  • TAF® TAF® modified a comment on ticket #67

  • TAF® TAF® posted a comment on ticket #67

    New Upload of Italian transation, already updated for future 2.97 release. Anyway it proper works also on 2.96

  • TAF® TAF® created ticket #67

    ITALIAN Dictionary for MMM 2.97 TBR

  • Saolvo Saolvo posted a comment on ticket #106

    Hi Igor, It works. Absolutely perfect. Thousand thanks for the update! Cheers, Sasha

  • Holger Geiß Holger Geiß posted a comment on ticket #106

    Hi Igor! I have checked the new version with my mail accounts and it seems to work again now (at least for my mail provider). Thank you very much for the update!!!

  • Igor Green Igor Green posted a comment on ticket #106

    Hello friends! Can you please check if this version will help with higher TLS support?

  • luis luis posted a comment on ticket #106

    My ISP switched to TLS 1.2, I had to use the same trick above ! I hope this will be implemented because I really like this email checker more than anything else available :)

  • joe935 joe935 posted a comment on ticket #108

    Igor, My apologies, You are correct. Even tho the From id name was unknown it did have in it a name in my friends list. Thanks again

  • Igor Green Igor Green posted a comment on ticket #106

    Thanks for the tip! I will try to check how to enable TLS 1.2 support, it should be supported in openssl version used

  • luis luis modified a comment on ticket #106

    Thanks for the heads up Peter, I've tried with my email at which has just moved to TLS 1.2 apparently. It works, I was able to configure MMM to connect to where stunnel is listening and then stunnel connected to using TLS. So, hopefully the program will be fixed but in the meantime this works. Thanks again. [freeshell-pop3] client = yes accept = connect = verifyChain = yes CAfile = ca-certs.pem checkHost = OCSPaia...

  • luis luis posted a comment on ticket #106

    Thanks for the heads up Peter, I've tried with my email at which has just moved to TLS 1.2 apparently. It works, I was able to configure MMM to connect to where stunnel is listening and then stunnel connected to using TLS. So, hopefully the program will be fixed but in the meantime this works. Thanks again.

  • Saolvo Saolvo posted a comment on ticket #106

    Hi Peter, If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain. Looks like a cool workaround although not 'out of the box' any more. Please post your experiences once having finally tried. Thank you. Cheers, Sasha

  • Peter Peter posted a comment on ticket #106

    I've been playing around with "stunnel" ( as "TLS proxy" and it seems that this could be a workaround for the TLS 1.2 issue. I'll wait until my mail provider will finally switch off TLS1.0/1.1 im June and if the stunnel solution then still works I'll post some more details :) Regards, Peter

  • Saolvo Saolvo posted a comment on ticket #106

    Hi there, Yep, unfortunately same with my e-mail provider(s) starting from June 2021. I'm using MMM for more than two decades now and there is no other software that neat and just straight to the point. It would be a real pity not being able to keep the pace here. Big thanks in advance to the one(s) finally doing it! Kind regards, Sasha

  • joe935 joe935 posted a comment on ticket #108

    Thanks for your reply, Igor. If you mean the Friendlst.txt file. It is not the cause. I get many of this type email and they all have different FROM Names and there are no names in the Friends.lst that even come close. I get other emails of this type that are marked as spam the only difference is , those that do not get marked are not binary type emails when displayed in Magic mail. With your approval I could try to forward you one of them, but I'm not sure if it remains the same after it's received...

  • Igor Green Igor Green posted a comment on ticket #108

    Hello! It seems that some friends filter matches your problem email, so no spam filters are checed any more

  • Peter Peter posted a comment on ticket #106

    Is there any chance you could implememt TLS 1.2 and higher into MMM? From June on my mail provider will disable any older TLS release and I would really like to keep using MMM. Regards Peter

  • joe935 joe935 created ticket #108

    Filter needed

  • Holger Geiß Holger Geiß posted a comment on ticket #106

    I have the same problem with TLS 1.0/1.1 as my mail provider will not support the old TLS versions any longer. Is it planned to implement TLS 1.2 or higher in the near future? Thanks.

  • Anna Stonert Anna Stonert posted a comment on a blog post

    I use MMM almost from the beginning,, from the Valery Ovechkin version, it is my favourite mail monitor, I can very easy check and delete e-mails on several the servers. Thank You. Now I started with the new notebook with Windows10 Pro 64. I downloaded the newest version of MMM 2.98 and obtained an System Error window : It is not possible to continue code executing, becouse the object mfc100.dll is not found..... installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security...

  • <REDACTED> created ticket #107

    Fix Gmail preview

  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on ticket #103

    This would be so appreciated by all those that receive non-English emails.

  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on ticket #104

    It would be so nice to have this tiny feature implemented. I've been using MMM for long time and even though I know it doesn't haveit I've hit Esc numerour times trying to close it :) I assume it would be easy to add this nice to have functionality.

  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on ticket #101

    I've been using MMM for years and saddly not for much longer as everyone is switching to TLS 1.2/1.3 and gradually disabling POP3 due to security reasons. Adding IMAP support would extend life of this awesome app.

  • Karsten Triebler Karsten Triebler created ticket #106

    Doesn't work with TLS higher than 1.0

  • Igor Green Igor Green created a blog post

    MMM 2.96 - small update

  • Magic Mail Monitor 3 Magic Mail Monitor 3 released /magic/2.96/readme.txt

  • Magic Mail Monitor 3 Magic Mail Monitor 3 released /magic/2.96/

  • Igor Green Igor Green committed [853398]

    restore blink functionality

  • Igor Green Igor Green modified a blog post

    MMM 2.95 is ready!

  • Igor Green Igor Green created a blog post

    MMM 2.95 is ready!

  • Magic Mail Monitor 3 Magic Mail Monitor 3 released /magic/2.95/readme.txt

  • Magic Mail Monitor 3 Magic Mail Monitor 3 released /magic/2.95/

  • Igor Grin committed [cb3f3e]

    help update

  • Igor Grin committed [5b4fa7]


  • Igor Grin committed [ccfbca]

    encoding with new options page

  • Igor Grin committed [9efae2]

    csv: trim words

  • Igor Green Igor Green committed [84b0fe]

    ID conflict

  • Igor Green committed [2df4ab]


  • Igor Green Igor Green committed [a2ce33]

    vs10 compat

  • Igor Grin committed [d6bfa9]


  • Igor Grin committed [04b4c7]

    merged on green

  • Igor Green Igor Green committed [84e422]


  • Igor Green Igor Green committed [820082]

    csv import

  • Igor Green Igor Green committed [f994bb]


  • Igor Grin committed [2620b1]


  • Igor Green Igor Green committed [7ff7d5]


  • Magic Mail Monitor 3 Magic Mail Monitor 3 released /OldFiles/

  • Magic Mail Monitor 3 Magic Mail Monitor 3 released /OldFiles/