
mlUnit / News: Recent posts

mlUnit 1.6.8 released

This is a large release. Large, because it contains more changes than usual. That is due to a backend refactoring effort, meaning to merge the diverged test execution mechanisms. The second part of the refactoring is expected with the next 1.6.9 release. Other changes include:

  • improved report
  • new output options: linked_trace, abbrev_trace, verbose
  • environment reset after tear_down
  • console report will be put out live, so that any debugging statements fall in line
  • refreshed R2006b compatibility
  • various fixes... read more
Posted by Hetu 2015-04-14

mlUnit 1.6.7 released

mlUnit 1.6.7 is here. I won't say: more than a year in the making, because, you know, new year's puns.

The 1.6.7 release experienced an overhaul of the asserts' output. Expect assert_equals messages to be readable, and particularly broken down into its differing fields, if comparing structs. Stack traces of asserts are cropped to the interesting parts. There is more. A sample directory demonstrates most of the assert family's failure output.... read more

Posted by Hetu 2015-01-08

Experimental Octave support

There's an mlUnit branch offering experimental GNU Octave support. Go [here][1] and select Download snapshot. Or checkout the branch 1.6.x octave support from the the subversion repository.

Simple assert failures and user errors seem to work. However, there remains a lot of debugging in order to make mlUnit test itself (i.e. the tests in the test folder) under Octave. The next thing in need of fixing seems to be our run methods, that Octave gets confused with. They should probably get renamed.... read more

Posted by Hetu 2014-06-20

mlUnit 1.6.6 released

mlUnit 1.6.6 is online. Check out these improvements:

  • recursive_test_run also recognizes class-based test cases
  • recursive_test_run prints result overview
  • consistent usage of assert_error and assert_warning
  • handling NaN equality is now done by a parameter
  • several improvements to tolerance checking
  • several fixes


Posted by Hetu 2013-12-14

mlUnit 1.6.4 released

mlUnit 1.6.4 is online. Prominently featuring eps tolerance for assert_equals, new function assert_warning and several fixes.

Posted by Hetu 2013-05-27

Catching up on latest development

Latest development of mlUnit (1.6.3) now available in the Subversion repository and as file release.

Posted by Hetu 2012-09-28

Project reopend

Thanks to Thomas, he added me to this project a while ago. With a coulleage we decided to go on with this project. First we decided to go on with the mainanence of the 1.5.1 Version to be compatible with Matlab Version R14SP3 or newer.

Posted by Axel Berres 2012-04-24

mlUnit 2.0 Beta 1 released

mlUnit 2 is the re-implementation of mlUnit for MATLAB's new classdef
syntax. This not only allows to define all test methods in one file, but
also to put all test cases into one or more packages.

mlUnit is a unit testing framework for the MATLAB .m language, which
considers the patterns of the xUnit family, i.e. includes assertions, test
cases and suites as well as the fixture.

An example test case with the new syntax looks like this:
>> edit test.sin.m
classdef test_sin < mlunit.test_case
function self = test_sin(varargin)
self = self@mlunit.test_case(varargin{:});
end... read more

Posted by Thomas Dohmke 2008-04-08