
Trouble with quote characters

  • Kevin Schoedel

    Kevin Schoedel - 2019-05-14

    I have this problem on one of my systems, but I can't find the misconfiguration. The mlterm configuration at least is identical.

    I have encoding=UTF8 and auto_detect_encodings=false, and my locale is LANG=en_CA.UTF-8. But mlterm is somehow treating the Unicode close-quotation marks U+2018 (’) and U+201D (”) as something like combining acute accents, instead of themselves. That is, I see something like

    $ echo $'These are \u2018single\u2019 and \u201Cdouble\u201D quotes.'
    These are ‘singlé  and “double̋  quotes.

    when I should see

    $ echo $'These are \u2018single\u2019 and \u201Cdouble\u201D quotes.'
    These are ‘single’ and “double” quotes.

    This makes working with English text painful!

    Copying the text shows that mlterm does have the underlying characters correct (U+2019 and U+201D). That is, when I copy the text that looks wrong (These are ‘singlé and “double̋ quotes) and paste it into something other than mlterm, I see the correct text (These are ‘single’ and “double” quotes).

    (The display is not exactly the same as for combining accents: the ‘accents’ are lower and overlap the ‘e’, and there is a blank space where the right-quote should be — see attached image.)

    I see this both with mlterm-3.5.0 from Debian packages, and also with mlterm-3.8.6 built with: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-type-engines=xcore,xft,cairo --with-scrollbars=sample,extra,pixmap-engine


    Last edit: Kevin Schoedel 2019-05-14
  • Araki Ken

    Araki Ken - 2019-06-10

    Thanks for your report.
    I can't reproduce it on my environment. (arch linux)
    Which font do you use? Does this problem happen if you use other fonts ?
    If you show me your configuration files in ~/.mlterm and log messages in ~/.mlterm/msg.log,
    I might know the reason.

  • Kevin Schoedel

    Kevin Schoedel - 2019-06-25

    Thanks for your reply. The problem did turn out to be with the font, which was at a different version between the different systems. (The same font problem is described by someone else using a different terminal at )


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