
mlterm 3.5.0 installs wrong font configuration on Lubuntu 16.04

  • Francisco J. Vico

    After installing mlterm 3.5.0 on a fresh Lubuntu 16.04 it won't display Hangul characters. The reason seems to be that there's a wrong font configuration. Running it with $ mlterm -* cairo & it will show this fontconfig setup:

    $ mlcc fontconfig

    Starting from a Lubuntu 18.04 it will install version 3.8.4 from the Bionic repository, and then Hangul characters display correcly, as the configuration seems to be fine:

    $ mlcc fontconfig
    JISX0208_1978=VL Gothic-iso10646-1
    GB2312_80=AR PL SungtiL GB-iso10646-1
    KOI8_R=Nimbus Mono L-iso10646-1
    KOI8_U=Nimbus Mono L-iso10646-1
    JISX0208_1983=VL Gothic-iso10646-1
    JISX0208_1990=VL Gothic-iso10646-1
    BIG5=AR PL Mingti2L Big5-iso10646-1
    GBK=AR PL SungtiL GB-iso10646-1
    ISO8859_1=Courier 10 Pitch-iso10646-1

    I have tried to include all these fonts in the ~/.mlterm/aafont file, but the result is the same: Hangul characters display as vertical rectangles.

    This is content of the log file:

    $ tail ~/.mlterm/tail msg.log
    Aug  9 17:16:09[15713] Font(id 2b1) width(30) is not matched with standardd width(20).

    Any indication on how to repair this wrong fontconfig setup of mlterm 3.5.0, or a workaround to avoid it and show Hangul, will be more than welcome.


    Last edit: Francisco J. Vico 2018-08-09
  • Francisco J. Vico

    With use_anti_alias = false and deleting /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mlterm/ Hangul characters are shown (even with an awful aliasing), with this log report:

    $ tail ~/.mlterm/msg.log
    Aug 13 10:40:19[6711] ERROR(No such file or directory): xft: Could not load.
    Aug 13 10:40:19[6711] Font -efont-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-*-iso10646-1 couldn't be loaded.
    Aug 13 10:40:19[6711] Fall back to xcore.
    Aug 13 10:40:19[6711] Font -efont-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-*-iso10646-1 couldn't be loaded.
    Aug 13 10:40:21[6711] Font -efont-biwidth-medium-r-normal--16-*-iso10646-1 couldn't be loaded.
    Aug 13 10:40:21[6711] Font(id 2b1) width(15) is not matched with standard width(20).
    Aug 13 10:40:21[6711] Characters (cs b1) are drawn *one by one* to arrange column width.

    Setting use_anti_alias = true we're back to boxes again.
    I know, it's not the right way to do it, but so far that's the only way we could get Hangul characters on version 3.5 + Lubuntu 16.04.


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