
MyMLE 0.7

I started a new MLE Project called "MyMLE". It is for all the people who want to use mobile Learning but do not want (or simply can not) use MLE-Moodle (because you need a web-server in order to run MLE-Moodle and not everyone has a web-server).

MyMLE is an extended version of the MLE-Editor which allows you to create learning content and to pack multiple learning-objects to a special MLE-phone client. This MLE phone client has no network access and is only a viewer for your learning-objects.

So creating your own learning objects and using them on the phone is now very, very easy and for everyone to use (MyMLE comes with an easy-to-use graphical installer and you do not need to configure anything at all). Try it out and have fun ;-)

Posted by matthias 2009-08-15

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