
MLDonkey / News: Recent posts

New MLDonkey release 2.8.4

- Ocaml 3.10 beta can now be used to compile MLDonkey, except GTK1 oldgui
- new Country-based statistics, command "costats"
- HTML interface now shows country flags, use option html_flags to disable
- Reduce RAM usage due to lower client_buffer_size default
- Telnet interface recognizes non-ASCII chars

- mld_hash produces AICH hashes
- eMule SUI now works between machines with different endianness

Posted by spiralvoice 2007-04-01

New MLDonkey release 2.8.3

This release brings some new stuff to the EDK module, it can up-/download files > 4GB and supports compressed upload. Also a major EDK upload bug was fixed where eMules rotating block requests were wrongly interpreted, this led to sending nearly all blocks twice. MLDonkey now optionally supports uploading full chunks (9.728.000 byte) to improve spreading of files. Some bugfixes for the multiuser support have been added, this feature can now be assumed stable. On top of this the usual logging updates and some command parameter extensions have been added. For details check-out the Changelog.

Posted by schlumpf 2007-02-11

New MLDonkey release 2.8.2

- Multiuser ability, details in docs/multiuser.txt
- faster hashing, optimize source handling to reduce CPU load
- new command "porttest", support for eMule- and Azureus-style porttest
- new command "bw_toggle"
- new feature "Release slot"
- EDK: Improved file publishing
- EDK: Support aMule/Hydranode os_info tag
- EDK: parse all fields from server.met
- EDK: Improve server logins, send fewer data
- Overnet updates
- BT: recognize more client types
- some updates to GD generated graphs
- new option rss_preprocessor
- lots of small updates/fixes, see Changelog for details

Posted by spiralvoice 2006-11-29

New MLDonkey release 2.8.1

Hotfix release for MLDonkey 2.8.0
- fix max_hard_up/download_rate computation
- allow Ocaml 3.09.3

Posted by schlumpf 2006-09-22

New MLDonkey release 2.8.0

- Anti-fragmentation patch, files are allocated in blocks of at least 1MB
- HTML error pages for 401 & 403
- Shorten filenames when committing to max allowed filename len according to statfs
- log to syslog
- support CIDR format for allowed_ips
- SIGHUP does not close GUI connections anymore
- lots of swarmer optimizations
- limit max_hard_download_rate when max_hard_upload_rate < 10
- ED2K_port is now random when started for the first time
- new command portinfo, displays used ports
- read-only support for eMule comments

Posted by schlumpf 2006-09-15

New MLDonkey release 2.7.7

- MLDonkey now produces eMule compatible hashes for files
when filesize is an exact multiple of 9728000 byte
- Lots of internal fixes for swarming module
- FileTP now supports user:pass@site
- some performance fixes for libmagic support
- small updates to HTML interface
- lots of bugfixes

Posted by spiralvoice 2006-06-19

New MLDonkey release 2.7.6

- Fasttrack, Gnutella & G2 are usable again
- Update default URL for IP blocklist
- Update EDK history HTML links
- Compile with Ocaml 3.09.2
- Filetype recognition with libmagic
- Multiline HTML link input (HTML, DL button)
- New option: pause_new_downloads (reset on startup)

Posted by spiralvoice 2006-05-22

New MLDonkey release 2.7.5

- Support for compressed ipfilter.dat files
- giFT GUI: Authentication support
- HDD space check
- Block/allow IPs by country codes
- Allow compile with Ocaml 3.09.2 CVS code
- EDK: New default URL for server list download
- BT: New command "startbt" to force the start of a torrent download
- BT: Automatically start new torrents stored in $MLDONKEY_DIR/torrents/incoming

Posted by spiralvoice 2006-04-13

New MLDonkey release 2.7.4

- Use setrlimit to raise allowed ulimit open files
- eMule SUI support (CryptoPP) is now optional, c++ is now an optional dependency
- Fixed bitprint hashing for files > 4GB
- EDK: fixed import_temp command
- EDK: Support for sources in ed2k:// links
example: ed2k://|file|a.txt|1|AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA|/|sources,|/
- new configure switch: --enable-force-ocaml
Override system-installed Ocaml and force local compile
- Support more system signals: SIGUSR1 saves options, SIGUSR2 performs garbage collection
- code cleaning, removed Redirector, donkeyNeighbours

Posted by spiralvoice 2006-02-26

New MLDonkey release 2.7.3

- add GeoIP database support
This product includes GeoLite data created by
MaxMind, available from
- change file opening mechanism, open rw only when needed
- EDK: add more server info fields
- Fix thread recognition on *BSD
- web_infos: save downloaded files and re-download only when newer versions are available
- search results are updated if higher values for available/complete_sources are found
- EDK: Avoid LowID if max_indirect_connections is reached, servers calling back always get a connection

Posted by spiralvoice 2006-01-19

New MLDonkey release 2.7.2

This release fixes the recover_temp bug introduced in 2.7.1.
It can be compiled with latest Ocaml versions 3.09.0/1.
Improved logging for verbosity "verb"
New commands: sysinfo, runinfo and diskinfo
MLDonkey will now check ulimit and adjust itself if necessary.

Posted by spiralvoice 2006-01-05