
Next release?

  • Ahmed Mohombe

    Ahmed Mohombe - 2005-04-06

    Congratulations for the nice library.
    When will the next version be relased?
    The Dumper seems to be a very useful tool, but unfortunately it still has errors (from time to time) under Mozilla.

    Btw. what are the next features for the future releases?

    Here are some small features suggestions that would be useful in the debuging process:
    1.In the debug window, a "submit messages"  button, to submit the text to the server, so that the user can make diff or other operations.
    2.In the debug window, a checbox to "include/show timestamp"
    3. In the debug window, a checkbox with "include/show filename+codeline (I think this would be hard to implement).
    4. Collapse debug message: If the Dumper(tree) is used, it will mostly take more than one line to represent, and the analyze will be very complicated because of too much information. If those messages could be collapesed (with a checkbox) it would be great.

    Thanks in advance,


    • Herve Masson

      Herve Masson - 2005-04-19


      Dumper is a tricky code to finalize. I made the basic stuff working so that I could use it for myself when coding mjslib, but it's really far from reliable.

      The next release will not have a lot of new things. Our goal will be to make the existing ones stable on all major browsers. For example, the menu is really buggy so far.

      Thanks for your suggestions, you may find some of that in the next release.



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