
Mizu Bu; Rapid Development Architecture / News: Recent posts

v0.1.023 released (non functional)

This version has the first functional (though certainly buggy) working internal backup method! Still lots to do, but it's a milestone.


Posted by Digimer 2006-12-08

v0.1.018 released (non functional)

I have started tagging these release notes as "functional" and "non functional" to help save people's time who might go strait to the download section.

As for this release, I have moved most of '' into the main libraries and got the infrastructure in place for running subroutines as root when needed. Nothing spectacular but a lot of core steps accomplished.


Posted by Digimer 2006-09-28

Version 0.1.017 released

This release has a lot better device detection and identification code. Testable in the new (and temporary) '' file. I will merge it into the nain library when it's done.


Posted by Digimer 2006-09-13

Version 0.1.015 released

Nope, still far from functional! :p

I've put a lot of work into the installer and into the device detection and identification code but there is still a lot to do. I put this release up because a lot of time has gone by since the last update and I didn't want people to think M.B. had gone to sleep. :)


Posted by Digimer 2006-09-07

First file release out!

It doesn't work!


This FR is mainly here for the curious who don't like CVS. You can get MB up and running if you manually create the pgsql DB, user/group and manually configure a webserver to point to it. That's quite the hassle though :p.

Currently I am working on the installer to help make MB, ya know, easy to install (shock! horror!)


Posted by Digimer 2006-07-07

Added screenshots

Hi all,

I've got a couple initial screen shots up to show that, yes in fact, the code works (as much as is there so far). Also I've added a changelog (I know...) and have started making full use of CVS. Check the CVS browser to take an easy peak at the code so far!


Posted by Digimer 2006-07-06

Current Status; July 04, 2006 (Alpha)

As of now, Mizu-BU is a nice-looking login-page, and not a heck of a lot more.

I want MB to be easily translatable (all text is in an XML file) with different languages being able to be used at the same time (ie: logs in one language, UI being another), easily skinable (uses selectable CSS) mainly to allow easy use of skins for accessibility and have it's own logging system.

All this is already in and working.... read more

Posted by Digimer 2006-07-04

Welcome to Mizu-BU, the replacement for TLE-BU!

Hi all,

I suspect there won't be many people here for a while. :) That'll give me some time to create something, ya know, useful without worrying about getting people's hopes up. :)

Mizu-BU is a ground-up (re-write?) replacement for TLE-BU. Why the new project? TLE-BU was originally written for a company that didn't quite get off the ground. I am not commissioned to write this anymore and am simply doing it because I had a lot of fun writting TLE-BU. This new project and ground-up new code lets me make a nice clean cut from TLE-BU. ... read more

Posted by Digimer 2006-07-04