

miyolinux Mike

Welcome to the MiyoLinux Wiki!

This Wiki is a work in progress; as such, new information will be added over be sure to check here periodically. Be mindful, MiyoLinux is a minimal/base system; think of it loosely as somewhat similar to what you have after a basic Arch installation; however, it has an underlying stable base. Therefore, it may require some effort (though minimal) on the user's part to make the system exactly what they want. Don't let that deter you! MiyoLinux is fully functional and usable immediately after installation! Though geared toward intermediate to advanced users, users who are new to Linux can use MiyoLinux too.

We want your experience with MiyoLinux to be both enjoyable and successful; therefore, we will try to address any possible issues that you may experience here in the Wiki. While we will try to address MiyoLinux-specific issues here, remember that Devuan is a fork of Debian; therefore, you may also refer to both the Devuan Wiki and the Debian Wiki for answers that may not be here yet. The Arch Wiki is also a wealth of information and can still apply to MiyoLinux/Devuan in many cases. There is also the Dev1 Galaxy Forum which may be used.

Click the Browse Pages button to view existing MiyoLinux Wiki pages, or you can click the Browse Labels button to view key words that may help you in locating what you need.

Thank you for trying MiyoLinux; I hope you enjoy it!

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