
Unable to launch window apps as root in Kwin

  • uggla

    uggla - 2022-06-11

    I'm trying the Kwin flavour but I have problems launching any gui-applications as root. Fex. sudo leafpad gives me "No protocol specified" "leafpad: Cannot open display:"

    • miyolinux

      miyolinux - 2023-09-06

      Hi uggla! I apologize for not answering before now, but I wasn't notified of your question...I wasn't ignoring you.

      Thank you Adarsh for answering.

      uggla, like Adarsh, I don't have the issue, and I can't recreate it...on neither kwin nor openbox. Was this on a fresh installation, or did you happen to modify anything after installing it/them?

      I'm only asking out of curiosity since you've already solved the problem.


  • uggla

    uggla - 2022-06-11

    The problem is the same with the latest Openbox flavour too. :(

  • Adarsh Bhat

    Adarsh Bhat - 2022-06-11

    Is it on pcmanfm or on all application? I am using it and not facing the issue

  • uggla

    uggla - 2022-06-11

    I solved it by adding the following line to ~/.bashrc

    xhost +si:localuser:root

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