
MiXiM-2.2 Release

Dear all,

We've just released MiXiM-2.2 compatible with OMNeT++ 4.2 (including
prev. versions). MiXiM can be downloaded here:

The big change in this release is the preparation of MiXiM for a full-
featured integretion in INET (suggested by Andras Varga and Levente
Mészáros). MiXiM-2.2 would be the last standalone release of MiXiM.
The next releases will be part of >INET-1.99.2 versions.

The mixnet part of MiXiM is obsolet now and was removed, if you need
the MiXiM-INET stuff NOW then you could use the INET-1.99.2 release
and following github repository:

git:// (choose master branch, it is fully
synced with MiXiM standalone GIT repository on sourceforge)

Extract INET and "git clone" github-MiXiM project into one workspace,
and import both projects into OMNeT++ 4.2 (or later). The MiXiM
project should depend on INET (as referenced project).
In INET, turn off the "radio" feature (in Project -> Project
Features). Build both projects. Then you should be able to run the
MiXiM-INET examples.

See also:


Posted by Michael Lindig 2011-12-06

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