
Suggestion for E-R diagram (Jin`s Draft)

sana amin
  • sana amin

    sana amin - 2015-04-12

    In Business table, I am not sure what is meant by 'popular' field. Do you mean popularity rating? Maybe we can tweak name of the field to something more clear. Let me know what you think.

    In Business Details table, I think we should also include 'email address' column for the business as well so customers do not have to look for the business`s email id further in case they need to report any issues pertaining to the restaurant. I added a picture to show what I mean.


    Last edit: Justin Jin 2015-04-12
    • Pranjal Khare

      Pranjal Khare - 2015-04-13

      Yes, we can go with this ER model. The name of businessdetails can be changed to location_specific_business_details so it will make a clear sense about what details this table is providing us.

      So, the final model will have many to many relationship between reviewer and location_specific_business_details . And one to many between business and location_specific_business_details.

  • sana amin

    sana amin - 2015-04-12

    Another suggestion-
    I think location details (city, state, zipcode, streetname, streetnumber columns) should be part of Business table instead of Business Details table. The logic is behind this is that customers would want to give review of a restaurant n a particular location instead of a restaurant chain in general. Let say a customer has been to Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant in central jersey area. It would be more helpful if the customer shares his/her reviews for that particular restaurant in the specific location instead of Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant chain in general. At times, service quality level for restaurants can vary from one location to another so it is imperative that we make sure that Foodzilla is able to provide useful and relevant reviews to customers to help them in their decision making.

  • Justin Jin

    Justin Jin - 2015-04-12
    1. 'popular' is meant for 'popular dishes'
    2. We can add 'email address' attribute to 'business' entity, but I just thought we have a 'website' attribute, so the website of each business will have 'contact information', even though they are not real.
    3. and we have to separate the location details from business, cause there is a one-to-many relationship between one business and many locations. If we put location details IN the business, then how can we represent the one-to-many relationship.

    But, I think Sana is right, so my solution is, we delete the LINK between business and review, then add a LINK between review and businessDetails.

  • sana amin

    sana amin - 2015-04-12

    Thanks Jin.

    We will now need to decide which route we will take as a team to implement the final ER model.


    HARSH PATEL - 2015-04-13

    Agree Jin


    HARSH PATEL - 2015-04-14


    We need to change the name of an entity "business dishes" to "business". I have changed the name and created the new er diagram which i will upload shortly


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