

Peter Busk

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  • Firoozeh

    Firoozeh - 2021-02-11


    I have a problem opening the miRprimer2 application file. I'm able to download the zip file and extract all the files before the run. But I want to open the application, it starts and the sign appears but then it gets close down.

    I have a window system. Do you have any suggestions or ideas what could be the problem?

  • Peter Busk

    Peter Busk - 2021-02-11

    Dear Firoozeh,
    It seems that new versions of Windows interfere with the way miRprimer closes down. It does not afffect the calculations of the primers. However, I have uploaded a new version that should work.

  • Zhimao Ye

    Zhimao Ye - 2023-10-17

    Dear Peter Busk,
    I met the same question with Firoozeh, miprimer2 does start a window, but no files appear. And miprimer can work well.

  • Peter Busk

    Peter Busk - 2023-11-21

    Dear Zhimao Ye,
    It might be a problem with the path if your machine is running Windows with One drive. Try to install mirprimer2 directly on the local harddrive (C:)


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