
MIRAAPT tool / Blog: Recent posts

Version 1.14 and updated manual 1.6 have been released

New interesting features as well as a bug fix.

See release notes for more information.

Posted by Evgeny 2015-02-22

Version 1.13 has been released

After a long break a new version of the tool has been released. It contains several fixes as well as improvements and new feature.

1 Fixed problems

1.1 HTML report selecting all projects (High severity)

Problem fixed:
In the situation, when project database contained several projects, the HTML project status report would pull items from ALL projects into the report of "Closed" items. This was applicable both for closed issues/risks, closed agreements and closed actions

New behavior
Now Closed items section of the HTML project status report contains only items from the selected project... read more

Posted by Evgeny 2015-01-16

Version 1.12 has been released

New features

A discussion topic feature is added
Feature works exactly the same as Issue or Risk, but has a different name

**“File Exists” flag **
File Exists flag is added under the Options in the “Recently used files” field. This flag gets filled in automatically on the startup of the application. If the recently used file does not exist any longer, flag will be set inactive.
This feature allows to clean the recently used files list from the files, which do not exist any longer ... read more

Posted by Evgeny 2014-03-20

Version 1.11 has been released

It has several bug fixes and a couple of interesting new features (more information in Release Notes):


In HTML report the background color now depends on issue / risk severity:

High - RED
Medium - ORANGE

“Recently used files” feature is added

In the Options tab it is now possible to see the list of recently used files. It is possible to open any of the recently used files, by clicking on it.

In the situation, when MIRAAPT is used to work with several databases, this feature significantly reduces time to switch between databases, especially if they are located in different directories... read more

Posted by Evgeny 2013-12-11

Version 1.10 has been released


Problem solved:

If Meeting Notes field of the meeting would contain a big amount of text, then in Meeting Minutes HTML report it may be incorrectly placed in relation to the elements of the HTML meeting minutes report.

The problem is actually cause by Microsoft Access bug, however way is found to avoid this bug.


Project status report now also contains the Closed Items information, which was previously not available in any of the reports

• Closed risks and issues
• Inactive agreements
• Closed actions

It is implemented in different ways in native MS Access report and in HTML report:

In MS Access report:
a second report is added (Project Closed Items)

In HTML report
Closed risks and issues, Inactive agreements, Closed actions are added to the end of the HTML report in grey colour

The reason it is done in a different way in both types of a report is that due to probably some MS Access bug so far I did not manage to make combined report in MS Access format to be displayed correctly in the MS Access Report view.

Posted by Evgeny 2013-07-31

Version 1.9 has been released

New features:

Bug fixes:
a number of bugs have been fixed. More information is available in the Release Notes.

Existing functionality changes
A number of cosmetic corrections have been introduced. More information is available in the Release Notes.

Posted by Evgeny 2013-07-15

Version 1.8 has been released

New features:

Bug fixes:
a number of minor bugs have been fixed. More information is available in the Release Notes.

Existing functionality changes
A number of cosmetic corrections have been introduced. More information is available in the Release Notes.

Posted by Evgeny 2013-06-02

Version 1.7 has been released

New features:
Attachments (F010) feature is added
Debug log file functionality is added.

Bug fixes:
Problem fixed: in HTML meeting minutes report, the meeting notes would not correctly display rich text.

Existing functionality changes
Change in default value for some of the date stamps

More details in release notes

Posted by Evgeny 2012-12-02

Version 1.6 has been released

Version 1.6 has been released
This version adds feature “HTML Project Status Report".
This is identical to HTML report for Meeting Minutes.

In addition to this one bug has been fixed (see more in release notes).

Posted by Evgeny 2012-11-11

Version 1.5.4 has been released

Version 1.5.4 has been released.
This version has a great new feature: HTML reports!
As opposite to standard MS Access reports, which can be saved without losing the quality only to .pdf or to .xps format, this feature allows creation of HTML reports, which can be then copied and pasted directly into the text of the email or any other program, which supports Windows copy and paste feature.
I am very proud of this feature as it is not using built in MS Access HTM reports feature. The native MS Access HTML reports feature does not produce quality reports.
Instead in MIRAAPT MS Access is used to generate HTML code directly. This allows production of high quality HTML reports.... read more

Posted by Evgeny 2012-11-04