
Minimal Information for PCR Experiments / News: Recent posts

MIPE now under LGPL

The MIPE format is now licensed under the Lesser GPL (LGPL), which basically means you can do as you like with it. For more information on this license, see the COPYING file in the latest release (v1.1).

Posted by Jan Aerts 2005-07-20

Manuscript on MIPE accepted

I'm glad to tell you that a manuscript describing the MIPE format has been accepted by "Online Journal for Bioinformatics". Reference for this article:

Aerts J & Veenendaal T. MIPE - a XML-format to facilitate the storage and exchange of PCR-related data. OJB 6(2): 106-112 (2005)

It can be accessed from the OJB website:

Posted by Jan Aerts 2005-07-20

Release version 1.0

Version 1.0 is released. An accompagnying article is in preparation.

Posted by Jan Aerts 2005-04-13

Now at v0.9 - full protocol, generic SNP assay, ...

Many refinements have been made to the MIPE format, including:
* a full description of the PCR protocol
* SNP assay is now a bit more generic and can contain both SNaPshot assays and RFLP assays
* additional scripts to parse MIPE files (e.g.,, ...)
* ...

Posted by Jan Aerts 2004-10-25

MIPE format v0.6 released

This version of the MIPE format is good usable for PCR experiments. The (XML) format itself is described in 'mipe.dtd'. The template file 'template.mipe' can help in creating your own MIPE files.
Also included are a number of perl scripts to access data from or add data to a MIPE file. For information on usage of these scripts, type 'perldoc'.

Posted by Jan Aerts 2004-05-24