
MiniscSim / News: Recent posts

atikokan.050215 update

I finally started using the autotools release packaging stuff. I hope it works.
Some minor bugs were fixed. The structure isn't much different.

Posted by Bernd H Stramm 2005-02-16

atikokan.04.12.23 - more utilities

I added some utilities. Mostly an internationalization system of the simpler kind ("Babel").

Also I think I will use FLTK for a GUI tool, there is an example (alarm clock) in the release, which has nothing to do with simulation. Except that it uses the utilities.

Posted by Bernd H Stramm 2004-12-23


I made another version of the 'atikokan' release. It adds some ways to use entities, that can schedule their own events. Also added a little statistics module.

Posted by Bernd H Stramm 2004-11-04

MiniscSim atikokan

I have made a version without entities, i.e. it relies solely on events to be scheduled. Labelled "atikokan" so it has a name. It can also schedule calls to parameterless functions. This could be a starting point for a different approach.

Posted by Bernd H Stramm 2004-10-21


Miniscsim has a homepage. Its not great, but its there.

Posted by Bernd H Stramm 2004-10-15

MiniscSim starts officially

MiniscSim is short for 'miniscule simulator'. Miniscule means very small ('tinysim' has been used for something else). It is/will be a library for discrete event simulation, starting with a simulation core (event scheduler etc.). The goal of this project is to provide simple tools for developers, or for research, or for playful investigation. In order to achieve this, MiniscSim will prefer to use only widely available tools, which users can build on easily.

Posted by Bernd H Stramm 2004-10-12