
Minirighi 0.10.03 - stable release

Minirighi is a multi-threading open-source operating system written for didactic purpose. It has been written from scratch and it is compatible with POSIX.

The most important feature of Minirighi is the speed. It's fast and small, so it can be used to speed up your simple applications or to analyze the source code if you want to deepen the OS development concepts.


This is the first *very stable* release of the 0.10 kernel generation. Every test done seems to work well and the system never crashed also in cases of many tasks executed, big memory usage and concurrent accesses to the disk. I'm very happy for this, but if you find a bug, please report it to me the same... I'll be happy anyway! :)

You can get the source code here:

and a floppy disk image here:


These are the major updates of the 0.10.03 release:

What's new
- Created a standard interface to use sockets by the user applications.
- Added the support for the loopback IP address (

- Fixed bug #944334 (now the .bss section is correctly zeroed after a file is loaded in memory).
- Fixed bug #941856 (fixed mutual exclusion problems when getting the size of a file).

- Added a simple UDP chat server to test sockets.
- Added a user application to translate strings into the morse code.

I think the minirighi project will be freezed at least until november, because I must to finish the work for my thesis. So only some bug-fixes will be posted for now...


Posted by Andrea Righi 2004-08-19

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