
Foobar2000 not connecting

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-06-28

    i am running miniDLNA on a seagate black armor NAS with a slimlined lenny installation.  works really really well.  i am having slight problem with foobar2000 streaming music over our network.  the NAS is on a VLAN and any foobar player on this network detects miniDLNA and plays as expected.  if i venture outside of this VLAN (same workplace, different VLAN) i cannot connect using foobar (with the upnp plugin).  i have dumped the log and i keep getting the same error:

    upnphttp.c:916: warn: /DeviceDescription.xml not found, responding ERROR 404

    obviously its looking for a file called devicedescription but the file doesn't exist.  i have an example of what it is looking for (when connecting foobar to foobar all works fine and this is the dump of the xml file from a foobar upnp server)

    <root><specVersion><major>1</major><minor>0</minor></specVersion><device><deviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1</deviceType><friendlyName>foobar2000 Media Server (marki)</friendlyName><manufacturer>Bubbleguuum</manufacturer><manufacturerURL></manufacturerURL><modelDescription>foobar2000 Media Server</modelDescription><modelName>Windows Media Player Sharing</modelName><modelURL></modelURL><modelNumber>3.1</modelNumber><serialNumber/><UDN>uuid:50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2</UDN><dlna:X_DLNADOC>DMS-1.50</dlna:X_DLNADOC><iconList><icon><mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype><width>48</width><height>48</height><depth>24</depth><url>/images/foobar2000-48x48.jpg</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/png</mimetype><width>48</width><height>48</height><depth>32</depth><url>/images/foobar2000-48x48.png</url></icon></iconList><serviceList><service><serviceType></serviceType><serviceId></serviceId><SCPDURL>/X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar/50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2/scpd.xml</SCPDURL><controlURL>/X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar/50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2/control.xml</controlURL><eventSubURL>/X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar/50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2/event.xml</eventSubURL></service><service><serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1</serviceType><serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory</serviceId><SCPDURL>/ContentDirectory/50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2/scpd.xml</SCPDURL><controlURL>/ContentDirectory/50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2/control.xml</controlURL><eventSubURL>/ContentDirectory/50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2/event.xml</eventSubURL></service><service><serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1</serviceType><serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager</serviceId><SCPDURL>/ConnectionManager/50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2/scpd.xml</SCPDURL><controlURL>/ConnectionManager/50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2/control.xml</controlURL><eventSubURL>/ConnectionManager/50691561-5d47-5f1d-09b7-07886a420bc2/event.xml</eventSubURL></service></serviceList></device></root>

    is there any sort of config file like this kicking around in miniDLNA?  where would i put the file if i create it?  i would really like to resolve this issue as there a several people who i would like to connect to this server using foobar.

  • Justin Maggard

    Justin Maggard - 2011-06-28

    Which minidlna version are you using?  My guess is that SSDP isn't enabled on your other vlan.  Starting with version 1.0.20 of minidlna, you can properly share media on multiple network interfaces.  Just change the network_interface= parameter to include both vlan interfaces (eg. "network_interface=eth0.1,eth0.2").

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-06-29

    thanks for the quick response!  i am pretty sure the multiple network interface will not be a viable option.  the networks are under control of the IT dept and if i do create an alias, i cannot see it from anywhere (ie cannot ping it or it cannot ping anything, dest host unreachable).
    Everytime the foobar2000 client tries to connect, the minidlna log gets updated with

    upnphttp.c:916: warn: /DeviceDescription.xml not found, responding ERROR 404

    this says to me that the devices are able to see each other but the description file it is after isn't being served up.  am i reading this correctly?
    since error 404 is replied, the foobar client just sits there.  viewing the log in foobar shows that an error 404 was returned so it reports a fail.
    i see with wireshark that rootConf.xml is present on the http port and i am reckon that this is what foobar is requesting.  so because ssdp doesn't transcend the vlans, it seems the only way the devices are going to interact is if the rootConf.xml file is sent when DeviceDescription.xml is requested.
    is rootConf.xml generated on the fly or is is a file somewhere?  it appears its generated on the fly.
    Is there a way around this?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-06-29

    oh sorry btw i am using 1.0.20

  • Justin Maggard

    Justin Maggard - 2011-06-30

    Normally, UPnP devices use the information in their SSDP communications to figure out the url to the root device description.  My guess is that Foobar2000 doesn't see the device, and if you manually enter the IP, it just uses its default url.  If you can compile minidlna yourself, you can just change the ROOTDESC_PATH definition in minidlnapath.h from "/rootDesc.xml" to "DeviceDescription.xml" and it should work.

  • Cecil Coupe

    Cecil Coupe - 2011-06-30

    You might want to check your IT folks. There might be valid reason they've configure things the way they have. Might be an oversight on their part or maybe they don't want streaming media flooding the whole net or…

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-06-30

    OK, i'll change the rootdesc_path as suggested. 
    yes this fixed the problem!! excellent! Thanks for the advice.
    the only thing that doesn't work is the search function on foobar upnp plugin.  i'm not sure where this lies, but i reckon its with foobar, because on the local network that detects the ssdp broadcasts the search works fine.  so maybe there is something with the upnp config.
    Anyway, i'm happy and my work colleagues are happy so thanks!!


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