
#6 Add verifiers to filter in Insight

Insight UI (18)

[This item was moved over from OpenMind. Feature RQ# 76]

Verifiers can be seen as a mechanism to generate reports (both quantitative and qualitative) out of filtered events in Insight. This feature can be used by Insight in the daemon to generate reports and email them for example.

Date: 2006-01-23 18:09
Sender: Bindul Bhowmik

Hello All,

I am attaching the draft of the Verifiers design. Please be aware that this is __Work In Progress__. The new structure basically consists of three parts : Verifiers, Jobs and Job Messages. The current attachment has the design for Verifiers only with very
very high level concepts for the other two.

For help on getting started with the documentation, you may start looking at the documentation for the package - com.mindtree.insight.reporting.verifiers

_ Bindul

Date: 2006-02-03 20:45
Sender: Bindul Bhowmik

The verifiers are somehow going in before the actual Filter Enhancements :-) That is more so because the Filters have a depency on Verifiers but not the other way around.

Apart from the committed files, I am also uploading the updated design for this module.

Date: 2008-01-18 10:03
Sender: Bindul Bhowmik

The feature has been implemented, but not enabled in Insight


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