
Mimers brunn Translator Tools / News: Recent posts

iwidgets datefield - i18n

In the dtt package there are some interntaionalized iwidgets having to do with date information. I have now added a more extensive reworking of the datefield, the change is an added option, -dateformat, and reworkings of all the hardcoded stuff in the code to now act with any value supplied as this options value.

Posted by Veronica 2002-03-10

icu-data 1.0.0 released

This package contains msgcat-format files containing data extracted from the ICU projects sourcefiles, a small viewer is also included. The data is names of months, days of the week, languages and countries.

Posted by Veronica 2002-02-28

msgcat-x new version

New version of msgcat-x includes bugfixes but most of all a complete rework of the extractors parsing mechanism, now recognizes msgcat::mc and mc.
The ability to comment with #! has been removed, will be reworked as an option.

Posted by Veronica 2002-02-27

mimers brunn TM now in CVS

Some procedures for importing and searching the TM implemented, a rough GUI also implemented. The database used is Mk4tcl (
More information on the homepage soon.

Posted by Veronica 2002-02-23

msgcat-x 1.1.0a released

This release includes more documentation and an additional utility to convert a directory of po-files into a tmx-format file (to be imported into a translation memory, for example Mimersbrunn).

Posted by Veronica 2002-02-23

project homepage updated

I have updated the project homepage with links to more information about TclTk i18n. l10n etc and also to information about gettext, po-files and editors that support po-format

Posted by Veronica 2002-02-22

Mailinglist for TclTk & msgcat users created

I have created a new mailing list that is intended as a forum for people interested in the use of the msgcat-package and general issues of internationalization, localization, etc. as it applies to TclTk. If you are interested in any or all of theese issues, please join! It doesn't matter if you are an experienced msgcat-user, a total novice, or anything inbetween, the main criteria is interest! Welcome!

Posted by Veronica 2002-02-21

dtt 1.0 released

Package for translating datestrings and for setting default date-formats etc. Includes modified iwidgets: calendar, dateentry, datefield and spindate.

Posted by Veronica 2002-02-19

msgcatx 1.0 released

Initial release of msgcatx, tools for extraction and conversion to/from po-format for msgcat-strings (Tcl)

Posted by Veronica 2002-02-17

new forums

Forums have been started to discuss any thoughts and ideas about the features and intergrated tools that one would like to have in this tool.

Posted by Veronica 2001-03-23