
MilliKeys / News: Recent posts

0.9.9 working, presumed fixed

Fixed in 10 minutes. Gotta be some kinda record.

Posted by David Piepgrass 2003-04-22

MilliKeys 0.9.9 pulled

A serious bug in the layout editor (when you change the current sublayout, all the fields stay the same which makes it almost impossible to properly edit the layout) has been found. When this bug is fixed, v0.9.9 will be reposted.

Posted by David Piepgrass 2003-04-22

Activity Percentile Reaches 97.0%...

...Whatever that means. If these downloads continue, I'll reach my new, spur-of-the-moment goal of getting an activity percentile higher than 97.0%!

Posted by David Piepgrass 2002-09-17

0.8.1: Click View ALL project files

For some reason I can't set the release date to today, so you'll have to click "View ALL project files" to get at it.
- 0.8.1: Removed the fatal exception in the about box, which was caused by a DbgBreak() I don't even remember putting in there.
- 0.8.1: Caused the data database to be backed up onto the PC

Posted by David Piepgrass 2002-08-29

New release

Finally got the hack part of the app working, but the data database is not being backed up, and the about box is off limits. Well, enjoy!

Posted by David Piepgrass 2002-08-29

This is a test.

SourceForge is so big and scary, and here I am exploring its murky feature-filled depths. What's this? I can post "news"? Cooooool. Now if only I could figure out CVS, SSH, and so on and so on. Well, things aren't too bad. All I've done is fool around for five minutes and already my project is at the 50th activity percentile! No idea what the percentile is supposed to mean, but it sure is nice being average.

Posted by David Piepgrass 2002-08-24