
Tree [d14871] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 LICENSE 2020-05-29 OpenCoderp OpenCoderp [7d5c6f] Initial commit 2020-05-29 OpenCoderp OpenCoderp [2b649b] Update
 _config.yml 2020-05-29 OpenCoderp OpenCoderp [95ebe3] Set theme jekyll-theme-midnight
 assistantMike.bat 2020-05-29 OpenCoderp OpenCoderp [654c48] Mike Assistant

Read Me


The batch assistant Mike Assistant is do help the computer and much more, so command created by %input%
is a lot of commands is so the commands view:

calc - Math calculator
EditDateTime - Edit time and date
exit - Exit the assistant (Animation version)
shutdown - Shutdown on computer
restart - Restart on computer
restartAssistant - Restart app assistant
logOff - Log off on system
hibernate - Hibernate shutdown
GUImenuShut - GUI-shutdown
OpenNotepad - Notepad text
OpenExplorer - File explorer
OpenRegedit - Registry editor
OpenWinHlp32 - Microsoft Windows 32 Help
OpenYT - YouTube
OpenDO - DuckDuckGo
OpenGE - Google
OpenYO - Yandex
ThankYou - Assistant talking human is Thank You
help - Codes help 
OpenWinControl - Windows Control Panel
OpenMsconfig - system setup 
OpenMsInfo32 - system information
OpenMsPaint - Paint
OpenResmon - Resource Monitor
OpenScreenShot - screenshot snipping tool 
OpenWrite - Write
OpenIexplore - IExplorer app
OpenChrome - Google Chrome browser app
OpenVmPlayer - Windows Media Player
OpenCmd - Command Batch
ViewUsernameAndDateAndTime - View username and time and date

This is system:

bcdedit - No error version is no start (No comprendo) {name:MikeSYSTEM_ASSISTANT}
cybercode - Start the :test is not {name:MikeSYSTEM_ASSISTANT} (warring: Is not coded is view.)

Is hard work is a lot of commands so is the file a lot of lines.

Copy on Pastebin: