wesw - 2009-10-30

If you have come to this project expecting to find the full source for Niksa Orlic's MidletPascal  with GUI, as distributed on his website , you'll probably be a little disappointed.

What you will find in SVN is a command line version of the MidletPascal compiler only. As the text in the files area says:

***The first release (available at the SVN repository) are the compiler files as Niksa Orlic (the original author) sent them to us for publishing as open source.
In his instructions he says: "I used Visual Studio 6 (you can load the project file in newer versions of Visual Studio). The compiler can be built as a standalone EXE or a static library used by the IDE. Originally, I built compiler as a separate EXE, then I switched to using static library (to increase the compilation speed)". That explains the code uploaded.***

The development team are already busy, working on adding missing Pascal functions to the compiler, like SHL and SHR operators, static constants and arrays, case clauses, etc. There are plans to release the compiler as a DLL, and also to produce a GUI, initially in Delphi, but later porting it to Lazarus.

I'll keep you posted!

best wishes … wes

  : http://www.midletpascal.com/