
MIDlet 2.0 Fullscreen not working

  • Adam

    Adam - 2010-01-03

    Full screen does not work in MIDletPascal 3.0. In MP2.02 worked perfectly. _
    I think it is problem with compiler - in MP 2.02 - M.class contains setFullScreen(true) function but in MP 3  that does not exist.

    Sorry for my bad english…_

  • wesw

    wesw - 2010-01-10

    I have just tried setFullScreen(true) in MP2.02 and it does not compile. It is not listed in the Help file.

    M.class is generated by MP2.02 from your Pascal code.

    Did you use other libraries with MP2.02?

  • Adam

    Adam - 2010-01-13

    M.class generated by the Java MP2.02 includes: setFullScreen which sets the full screen, but M.class MP3 does not contain it. It must be a compiler problem. May not work MIDlet type setting.

  • wesw

    wesw - 2010-01-13

    We may be getting a little confused.

    1. There is no PASCAL  setFullscreen routine in either MIDlet Pascal version.

    2. The screen size is set in MP2.02 in the project build options.

    3. The current MP3 V0 beta doesn't seem to have this build option exposed - although I have not had much time to try it.

    4. The screen size build option changes the way the code is compiled into the M.class file. The current MP3 V0 beta has this option in the compiler, but  perhaps not available in the IDE.

    5. There is no way to dynamically change the screen size within the M.class file. it is fixed at compile time. But it could be possible that a post compile M.class code verifier in MP2.02 might add this function in some way.

  • wesw

    wesw - 2010-01-17

    And now I have found an answer….. 

    You must use a project created with  MP3v0 beta.

    In the Project Manager window click on Configurations/default . 

    The compiler options appear at the bottom. Change Midlet Type to the screen size you want.

    Good luck …..

  • Javier Santo Domingo

    Adam: Sorry for the delay. Yes, there was a little bug in the compiler that make it to ignore the MIDlet type parameter, and that caused the compiler not to add the bytecodes aload_0/iconst_0/invokespecial super(Z)V & aload_0/iconst_1/invokevirtual setFullScreenMode(Z)V in the constructor of the M class. The bug was introduced in some part of the ALPHA stage, and is only present in my adaptation of the Artem's 007 compiler version to DLL. Now its fixed and it will be included in the BETA 2. The constructor for the M class under the MIDP2.0 FullScreen MIDlet type now looks like it should: public M() { super(false); setFullScreenMode(true); }. Thanks for the report!

    Wes: Thanks for replying Adam.


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