
Delete program source if in other directory

KW Yan
  • KW Yan

    KW Yan - 2009-11-30

    If put program source in ../../MySrc/Test.mpsrc and use notepad to edit project file (test.mpproj). It does not have problem in loading the project to IDE. When I press F7 to build project, the jar file created but IDE delete Test.mpsrc from ../../MySrc/ directory.

    Problem is tested in 3.0 Alpha 3 (haven't tested in Apha 2).

    No problem in Midletpascal 2.x.

  • Javier Santo Domingo

    Fixed. Will be available in the next release. Thanks for the report!

  • KW Yan

    KW Yan - 2009-12-07

    Fixed in 3.0 Alpha 4. Thanks.


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