


Get started

  • In linux/windows

    1. extracting the zip,
    2. running the server (./MidiRouter) from directory extracted.
    3. running the electron appImage,
  • In OSX is just coping the server app and the electron app to the “Application” folder

Default port is 12345, but it is possible to
./MidiRouter -p <port>

Few words about each screen

  • The “Easy config” supposed to be intuitive to split keyboard, and route anywhere, or translate CC to whatever everywhere.
  • EasyConfig is translated to something less intuitive at the “inputs” screen (Routing chains).

the filter syntax is explained at the help about

  • More complicated routing should be performed from Input screen like:

    • Enabling 14bit.
    • routing from server to server (how ever you can do it easily using Midi Js at the midiJs screen).
  • User Control screen, is for sending program change or CC to device.

  • Preset screen is

    • to activate presets (also using external Program change or CC),
    • to save to file all current configuration.
  • Virtual ports screen

    • add virtual ports (On windows not supported, please use Tabias solution....)

Connection example (incentive for creating this):

  • Midi environment like in Logic , without having to be obligated to the DAW workflow..
  • Connecting anywhere ti anywhere (and over network) like in Ardour with transformations (spit keyboard, CC port X to whatever at whatever).
  • configuration easily understood.

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