
#197 Newcomers PLEASE read...


If you came here because you've downloaded MiddlegenIDE
1.3.3 and it's failing for you, then fear not: it _can_
be got working. Please read on.

1. IF you click on the 'Load Table' button and nothing
seems to happen, notice that the word 'Table:' has
appeared on the left of what appears to be a divider
bar. It isn't a divider bar. Click on the 'maximise
window' button and that bar will expand into a pane
containing (some of) your table names. Of course, this
panel should be scrollable; but it isn't. Nonetheless,
you can continue.

2. IF you're using HSQLDB, make sure you specify the
schema; the default schema for HSQLDB is called
'PUBLIC'. MiddlegenIDE knows that--so it _will_ show
you the table names--but Middlegen itself doesn't, so
if you don't put the schema name in yourself, it will
barf when trying to generate the hbm.xml files. Put it
in and click the 'Load Table' button again.

3. IF you've got more tables than are visible in the
panel, don't fret, you can still select them for
generation. Click on the first table name to select it,
then hold down your shift key and click the 'cursor
down' arrow button one click at a time until you're
sure you've counted enough. It doesn't matter if you do
a few too many; but if you don't do enough, the hbm.xml
files for the non-selected tables won't be generated.

4. NOW click on the 'Finish' button.

5. IF all you get is a small error dialog window
bearing a red icon but no text, you've run into a bug
in the code. To check, look in the Eclipse console view
and you'll see a stack trace referring to
'middlegenIDENewWizard' line 161 (among other things).
(If you're new to Eclipse, you can get the console view
up by following Window->Show View->Console.
Alternatively, launch eclipse in the foreground from a
normal console window instead of using a menu icon;
you'll see the stack trace there.) To fix this, email
me for the fixed version:

6. Once you've got a working MiddlegenIDE, go through
the steps above and this time you should get both a
middlegen-build.xml and all of the hbm.xml files for
your tables.

I hope that this massive missive helps others to avoid
wasting four days (like me :) trying to get it to work!!

Oh, and one last thing: you actually came to the wrong
place. As far as I can tell, the site is out of date
just like this bit of SourceForge, and the only visible
life in this project is in the newsgroup called
'' which you can get to via
the '' news server. See
for more information.

Steve Berry


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