
#178 Cannot create middlegen build file for Sybase database

hibernate (22)

There is a problem when trying to create middlegen
build file for a Sybase database. On the build file
creation wizard, after I choose the JDBC driver file,
wrong JDBC driver classes are picked up by MiddlegenIDE
and there is no way for me to manually specify the
correct class name because it is a drop down list box.
As a result, I can't load tables and can not create the
build file.


  • Adriano Rossi

    Adriano Rossi - 2005-05-23

    Logged In: YES

    Hi all.
    The bug is on the JarClassLoader file of MiddlegenIDE. The
    code looks only for superclasses, while all Sybase's driver
    classes implement the superinterface
    com.sybase.jdbcx.SybDriver that implements java.sql.Driver.
    The MiddlegenIDE's JarClassLoader file should be modified to
    take count also of superinterfaces. An approach that avoid
    the recursion on superclasses and superinterfaces could be
    the following: on method getJDBCDriverClass(String) change
    the line
    getJDBCDriverClass(list,cls ,cls);
    with the line:
    if (Driver.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) list.add(cls);
    That's all!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hi all.
    The bug is on the JarClassLoader file of MiddlegenIDE. The
    code looks only for superclasses, while all Sybase's driver
    classes implement the superinterface
    com.sybase.jdbcx.SybDriver that implements java.sql.Driver.
    The MiddlegenIDE's JarClassLoader file should be modified to
    take count also of superinterfaces. An approach that avoid
    the recursion on superclasses and superinterfaces could be
    the following: on method getJDBCDriverClass(String) change
    the line
    getJDBCDriverClass(list,cls ,cls);
    with the line:
    if (Driver.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) list.add(cls);
    That's all!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hi all.
    The bug is on the JarClassLoader file of MiddlegenIDE. The
    code looks only for superclasses, while all Sybase's driver
    classes implement the superinterface
    com.sybase.jdbcx.SybDriver that implements java.sql.Driver.
    The MiddlegenIDE's JarClassLoader file should be modified to
    take count also of superinterfaces. An approach that avoid
    the recursion on superclasses and superinterfaces could be
    the following: on method getJDBCDriverClass(String) change
    the line
    getJDBCDriverClass(list,cls ,cls);
    with the line:
    if (Driver.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) list.add(cls);
    That's all!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I second this bug.

    I am having the same problem.


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