
#122 Problem with two FK between two tables

EJB (58)

I have two tables:

Entidad (entity) and Pertenece (belongs to)

They try to model an abstract
user-group-parentgroup..... relation, with no limits
betwen belonging as far as a user doesn't belong to
other user, I keep track of the row being a group with
a flag atribute in the entidad table.

I have more tables and more relations, It doesn't
deploy on JBoss but if comment this relation in the
ejbjar.xml and jboss-jdbccmp.xml files it deploys fine
(wothout these relations)

And here comes the issue when I say I comment out this
realtion in the xml files is because when I launch
Xdoclet I get only one relation generated in the XML
files, One relation but with the two Fks in it!!!!!!
I have other similar relations but involving 3 tables (
one of them, as pertenece in thios case) is to model a
n_m relation, it came from the database design and in
several cases they contain aditional attributes (suchs
as IP, time-date etc), the case is that in those
realtions I get 2 relations in the XML files, not just one.

It seems to me that middlegen generated bad Xdoclet
code in the bean class, I think that the bad code comes
from the fact of having 2 realions betwen the sme
tables, I think it generates only one relation with the
two FKs.

This is the relation
Actually I think there should be two relations, one
with PKEntidad1 and one with PKEntidad2









  • Jose Manuel Molina


  • Jose Manuel Molina

  • Jose Manuel Molina

  • Jose Manuel Molina


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