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Welcome to MicroLua!

This wiki will help you to get any information you need about MicroLua.

You should choose a section following your status: are you a gamer or user or MicroLua, a homebrew developer or are you someone who is interested in improving MicroLua?

In any case, I'm sure this page full of links will be useful. If you feel helpful today, you can also learn how to contribute.

Users and gamers

If you seek details about installing MicroLua, which is as simple as copying some files on your cartridge like any other homebrew, you should have a look at the installation instructions.

For general informations and for getting the best homebrews you can enjoy with µLua, the best place is the official forum, or you can look at the known projects. The forum will also provide the best answers for any of your problems.

Finally, if you want to learn more about MicroLua in general, read this page.

Homebrew developers

The links from the previous section may be quite useful for you too.

Afterwards, I guess the first thing you need is the documentation about the features MicroLua provides. You can find all its versions on this page. There are also some tutorials available there.

One question you may ask is: "can I test my scripts on my computer?" And the answer is: yes you can. Have a look either at using DeSmuME or MicroLua Simulator for this. For other tools you may use, read this page.

Finally, this page gathers a lot of good links for MicroLua homebrew developers.

MicroLua developers

If you are looking at this, I'm sure the two previous sections could also be very instructive for you.

First of all, you need to know:

  1. how to get the sources
  2. how to compile the sources

Now you are quite free to do more or less anything you want while it goes in the good direction. A good idea is to take care of some issues, or look at the suggestions on the forum.

Some sample projects

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Diamants (Sokoban)
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Slippery Cave
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Shell (MicroLua homebrew home)
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Wiki: APIDocumentation
Wiki: Compile
Wiki: Contribute
Wiki: DeSmuME
Wiki: DevLinks
Wiki: DevTools
Wiki: GeneralLinks
Wiki: GetSources
Wiki: Installation
Wiki: MicroLua
Wiki: MicroLuaProjects
Wiki: MicroLuaSimulator
Wiki: Tutorials