
MicroDash / News: Recent posts

MTCPS and MTCPS-0.69

Hey Guys,

I have restructured the layout of the MTCPS documentation separating MTCPS, MTCPSF01, and MTCPSF02 out in to separate packages

I have also added a new version of MTCPS, Version 0.69 just corrects the omission of the divisor on the voltage calculation, (Thanks go to cvt for pointing that out...)

Posted by SoloFlyer 2007-05-06

MicroDash 0.15 and MTCPS 0.1

2 Anouncements Tonight

I have uploaded the Initial Release of the Microtech Serial Communication Protocol Specifcation (MTCPS), The unoffical serial communication protocol specifcation for the Microtech ECU...
for those of you interested in what ive worked out about the microtech serial protocol, have a read


Release 0.15 of MicroDash! :)


Release 0.15, signifigant code changes since 0.14... ... read more

Posted by SoloFlyer 2007-02-25

Microdash 0.14.1 - Quick Patch

There was an issue with the setup of the serial port which caused the baud rate not to be set when running the windows client this version is just a quick patch to correct that issue while I continue to work on 0.15 :)

Posted by SoloFlyer 2007-02-08

MicroDash 0.14 - Initial Release

0.14 is the first Public release MicroDash, and while it isnt pretty and is no where near complete the basic functions (Client, Emulator, and DataDump) work (some better than others :P )

So make a DataDump and Send it in! :)

Posted by SoloFlyer 2006-06-07

CVS Upload

I have Finally uploaded the source code and protocol documentation to CVS, feel free to take a look...

Posted by SoloFlyer 2006-06-06


Welcome to Microdash on Sourceforge!

At the moment there is nothing to download and nothing to see :( but all this will change when i get home from work and have a chance to upload stuff :)

Posted by SoloFlyer 2006-05-30