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Matthias Filter


BASELINE Software tool

Company / Institution:

Dpt. Food Science and Technology. University of Cordoba

Development Partners:

University of Cordoba:
Optimum Quality (SME):
German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ):

Contact person:

Prof. Antonio Valero

Release date:


Last update:


Designed for:

Food business operators
All subscribers and partners

Media covered:

egg products
dairy products
meat products

Microorganisms covered:

L. monocytogenes
Vibrio spp.

Growth / Inactivation Factors covered:

aw (water activity)
Lactic acid

Modeling approach:


Software Modules:

Growth module
Inactivation module
Sampling plan module


This web-based software tool has been developed within the EU Project of the VII Framework Program named BASELINE ‘Selection and improving of fit-for-purpose sampling procedures for specific foods and risks’ (Grant Agreement No 222738). Throughout this software users can access to different implemented modules related to predictive modelling of pathogens for various food commodities and estimation/ optimization of sampling plans. In the first module, microbial behavior of a selected category of food borne pathogens can be predicted under different environmental conditions.
A selection of implemented predictive growth and inactivation models gathered from scientific literature is included:
a) Seafood (Listeria monocytogenes and Vibrio spp.).
b) Eggs and egg products (Salmonella spp.).
c) Milk and dairy products (Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli).
d) Meat products (Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. and Listeria monocytogenes).
e) Plant products (Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes).
Regarding model`s structure, the main menu allows the selection of predefined primary models:
a) Growth: Baranyi, Gompertz and three-phase linear model
b) Inactivation: Three-phase linear and Weibull models
Customized secondary models (mainly polynomial, Gamma, Ratkowsky type and cardinal) can be easily introduced by users through an equation editor dialog. Besides, new predictive models were added to the software based on experimental data collected in the BASELINE project. The predictive models can be validated by the user in order to compare predictions and observations through the application of goodness of fit indices. This information and modelling results can be exported in CSV, MS Excel or PDF formats. A personal space is provided for each user, allowing them to save and retrieve their own data for further use. By means of restricted local access, administrators will be able to further develop the software tool by including additional predictive models, microorganisms, food matrices or environmental factors. The Sampling Plans module contains a Generic module where the most common distributions for assessing two- and three- class attributes and variables sampling plans are embedded. Users can easily define the parameters “n” i.e. number of samples to be taken from a given lot; “c” maximum allowable number of samples that can accomplish a specific criteria, “m” and “M” which are the logarithmic values of the microbial concentration that should not be exceeded. The Practical examples module allows the user the setting of food safety criteria (Performance Objectives) in prevalence and/or concentration terms. Specific sampling plans include a selection of sampling schemes related to the food/risk categories included in BASELINE. Finally, in the Tools module users can estimate different parameters associated to a specific sampling process, according to preliminary criteria fixed in the dialog boxes. This information may be used to evaluate the overall effectiveness of applied interventions by risk managers or food operators.

BASELINE software tool for calculation of microbiological criteria. Baseline Final Conference (Bologna, 12th November 2013). Available at: