
#16 push-to-talk toggles if key press duration is short


Hi, thanks for your work on this excellent project!

When held for duration >0.15s, the assigned key activates/deactivates push-to-talk perfectly.

When tapped (held for short duration <0.15s), the assigned key toggles (permanent switch).

To reproduce problem, engage push-to-talk mode, tap VERY briefly. If it doesnt work with one taop, try a few times.

Tested on previous 5 releases, both install and portable versions (wrongly claimed as fixed by one user)
Tested after reboot
Tested running as Administrator
Tested running process High Priority
Tested with all combinations of MicMute settings (Notifications on/off, sounds on/off etc)
Tested multiple keys individually - ctrl, F7, g, 1, etc..
Tested with all other programs closed
Tested combinations of Windows Microphone Properties (Exclusive mode etc)

W7 x64


  • Jack

    Jack - 2016-11-13

    Just a thought; Assuming that the issue is caused by an overlap of the two functions sent in close succession (mute+unmute), a proposed solution would be that the push-to-talk key generates a pause or emulates a keypress lasting >0.2secs.

  • kgn1

    kgn1 - 2022-08-24

    Hello, I know this is an old post; 2016
    I just found out about MicMute, I like it it's the only one I found that does what I need it to do, which is : Push to Talk, while actually mute and lowering the volume to zero for my mic volume (at the same time)- Reason being needing to make "Monitoring" setting go to zero when not using PTT. This is essential.

    The Main issue I have is the exact thing you're posting about.

    if I Double tap my PTT-Key fast it kicks the Transmitting mode to always on, if I get the double tap again it switches it back to normal how I need it to stay.

    Your suggested solution / proposal could work some sort of delay to the pressing of PTT-Key could help.
    - I notice with this specific program(MicMute and only MicMute so far) when you use the key to PTT and then let go it does move the mic volume bar setting in windows so it is working but a slight delay might help so that it's not getting caught on itself trying to PTT and let go. I Think it's probly/maybe windows issue I Don't know though, I'm not techy with this stuff.

    I simply just want to have unmute-when press / PTT (key) and for monitoring with my HT OMEGA SOUND CARD to shut off/turn down to zero when I'm not actually using PTT / Talking.

    • Jack

      Jack - 2022-08-25

      Ha, I remember raising this ticket :)

      Never found a solution / I don't currently use a mic, however this software might be worth checking out:

      It's called MicSwitch. Not sure I'm allowed to post links, so Google
      'github micswitch iXab3r', first result.

  • kgn1

    kgn1 - 2022-08-25

    -oh yes, I believe I tried this one, it works well and has good features.
    Only issue really is, I want to use PTT, and have it how MicMute does it (not only MUTEING the mic when I let go of PTT, but also bringing the MIC VOLUME to zero)- this way my 'monitoring' feature of my HT OMEGA ECLARO sound card will not always have monitoring on but only when I use my PTT Key, makes sense right?

    -So yeah if either of these 2 programs could implement either the fix for micmute with the double-tap bug issue(maybe a delay option like you said)-(probly windows issue), or with this other one micswitch, they could just add something like, 'Lower MIC volume to zero upon letting go of PTT' ...

    it would work and be very useful, atleast for those who need/want it.

    I hope for monitoring to work properly, when wearing headphones I Can't hear myself talk making my voice mess up or speech not as good especially playing games, like Battlefield. I kind of have to have one earphone/cup a bit off the ear to be able to hear my own voice and make sense of things..

    Hope this makes sense.
    Thanks for responding.

    Have a great day :)

    • Jack

      Jack - 2022-08-25

      I hear you. I'm surprised to see that there seem to be fewer 'PTT'
      programs around now than a few years ago, and MicMute hasn't been
      updated since 2015.

      One sure-fire way to strap a single button to mute AND monitor vol
      zero would be to use an AHK (AutoHotKey) script. AutoHotKey can
      basically make anything do anything.

      The kicker is that it will take some research and setup to
      find/edit a script that performs both functions, but if you start by
      googling 'AHK script PTT mic mute' etc, or post your requirements in a
      couple of AHK forums, you'll find what you need eventually :)


      Last edit: Jack 2022-08-31
  • Jack

    Jack - 2022-08-25

    duplicate post


    Last edit: Jack 2022-08-25

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