
Change black icon to red and red to green

  • roughnecks

    roughnecks - 2020-09-23

    You know, Windows application bar can be black, so MIC icon isn't visible.


  • Vladimir

    Vladimir - 2020-11-03

    icofx + Resource Tuner a temporary solution

  • Steve

    Steve - 2020-12-02

    There is an unpublished program update that lets you change the icon

    • roughnecks

      roughnecks - 2020-12-30

      Thanks, applied the change and it works just fine!

  • RMC

    RMC - 2021-06-30

    When are you going to create an new downloadable file for the portable version with the green icon included?
    Also created two fancy icons in case you want to add them. Plus two female voice wav files saying that you're (un)muted.


    Last edit: RMC 2021-07-01

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