
Tree [b249a9] master 1.0.5 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 gui 2017-05-12 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [e6b4a9] increase possible path length
 m4 2015-10-21 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [6b767e] update dependencies because mia now pulls in le...
 viewit 2017-05-12 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [766048] Correct use of CWatch that is now a sigleton
 AUTHORS 2012-10-18 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [0a7610] make the proptotype volume rendering optional
 COPYING 2012-06-08 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [72f28a] convert to use MIA instead of MONA
 ChangeLog 2016-07-24 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [ad3b75] Version bump to 1.0.4 and prepare new release 2013-05-23 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [2731eb] rename the package and improve the about dialog
 NEWS 2012-06-08 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [a9d846] initial commit
 README 2012-10-18 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [0a7610] make the proptotype volume rendering optional
 TODO 2012-06-08 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [a9d846] initial commit 2012-10-18 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [0a7610] make the proptotype volume rendering optional 2017-06-23 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [b249a9] correct dependencies on mia-2.4 2014-09-01 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [a61c0c] update dependency to mia-2.2 2012-06-08 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [a9d846] initial commit

Read Me

This software is a library and a GUI for the visulaization of some 3D data 
like surfaces and deformation vectors. 

The code base is rather old and only updated to compile with modern C++ 
and link against the MIA-2 library (instead of the here no longer 
maintained libmona). The old version of this code can still be found 
in the SVN as libviewit+viewitgui. 

Expect memory leaks and random crashes.