
Release 2.2.5

A new release has been prepared that includes a lot of changes: new programs for doing a fuzzy cmeans classification on sparse input data, combining an abitrary number of images with an comutative operation, estimating a bounding box around the data in an image, applying a deformabale model to a mesh, and evaluating statistics in a masked area of an 3d image.
New mesh and image filters are provided, amongst them a 2D max-flow/min-cut segmentation filter.

The file compression tools that are used transparently can now make use of parallelized implementations like pigz instead of gzip .

Important changes for programming with MIA include the replacement of the bounded parameter by the ranged parameter that can also use open and half-open intervals for range definition. Some third party libraries like libxml++, eigen3, and boost/filesystem are no longer visible in the public interface of MIA, which reduces link-time dependencies for third party programs linking against MIA.

Finally, in order to achive reproducable builds. time stamps have been removed from the library and user documentation.

Posted by Gert Wollny 2015-09-29

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