

Mark Hobley


The errlvls.h header file is part of the mheaders library. It provides the enumeration values for conventional [errorlevel]s.

Enumerations provided by errlvls.h

The errlvls.h header provides the enumeration values for conventional [errorlevel]s:

Code Name Meaning Category
0 ERLOK Normal end Normal
1 ERLWARN1 Level 1 Warnings were issued Warning
2 ERLWARN2 Level 2 Warnings were issued Warning
3 ERLWARN3 Level 3 Warnings were issued Warning
4 ERLWARN4 Level 4 Warnings were issued Warning
5 ERLWARN5 Level 5 Warnings were issued Warning
126 ERLFILENAME Invalid Filename Filename
128 ERLPATHNAME Invalid Pathname Pathname
129 ERLPATHLEN Pathname Too Long Pathname
132 ERLPRIVR Remote Advises Insufficient Privileges Remote
135 ERLINVR Remote Advises Data Is Not Valid Remote
136 ERLCRCR Remote Advises Checksum Is Not valid Remote
137 ERLPROTOR Remote Advises Protocol Error Remote
138 ERLVERR Remote Refuses This Version Of Client Remote
139 ERLUNXR Remote Advises Unexpected Error Remote
149 ERLXPRIV Remote User Has Insufficient Privileges Local
155 ERLXINV Data From Remote Host Is Not Valid Protocol
156 ERLXCRC Data From Remote Host Has Invalid Checksum Protocol
158 ERLPROTO Protocol Error Protocol
159 ERLREMOTE Incompatible Remote Host Protocol
163 ERLBUSY Remote Host Is Busy Connection
165 ERLCNXTIMR Remote Connection Timed Out Connection
168 ERLCNXCLOS Remote Connection Closed Unexpectedly Connection
169 ERLNORESP Remote Host Does Not Respond Connection
180 ERLSYNTAX Syntax Error Syntax
185 ERLCFG Bad Configuration Entry Configuration
187 ERLCFGFIL Bad or Missing Configuration File Configuration
188 ERLENV Bad or Missing Environment Variable Environment
190 ERLREAD Error Reading File File
192 ERLWRITE Error Writing File File
193 ERLDEL Error Deleting File File
194 ERLINODED Error Writing Inode Inode
195 ERLDIRREAD Error Reading Directory Directory
196 ERLDIRWRITE Error Writing Directory Directory
197 ERLDIRDEL Error Deleting Directory Directory
198 ERLMISFIL Missing File Missing
199 ERLMISDIR Missing Directory Missing
200 ERLSRCBAD Bad or Missing Source File Source
201 ERLBADSRCD Bad or Missing Source Directory Source
202 ERLBADDST Bad or Missing Destination File Destination
203 ERLBADDSTD Bad or Missing Destination Directory Destination
205 ERLPARM Bad or missing command line parameter Command Line
206 ERLHELP Help option invoked Command Line
208 ERLSHAR Sharing violation Sharing
210 ERLPERM Permission Denied Permission
212 ERLACCESS Access Denied Access
214 ERLESCKEY Escape Pressed Escape
215 ERLBRKKEY Break Pressed Break
216 Signal
217 Signal
218 Signal
219 Signal
220 ERLPRIV Insufficient privileges Privileges
221 ERLDUPPRC Process already running Duplicate Process
223 ERLINUSE Resource already in use Resources
224 ERLNOTAVAIL Resource not available Resources
225 ERLMEM Insufficient memory Resources
226 ERLDSKSPC Insufficient disk space Resources
227 ERLSWAPSPC Insufficient swap space available Resources
228 ERLRESRC Insufficient system resources Resources
235 ERLWP Write protection error Storage Device
238 ERLIO Error whilst reading or writing to device Storage Device
239 ERLUNK Unknown or unexpected error Unknown
242 ERLEXE Damaged executable Executable
243 ERLLIB Bad or missing library Runtime Libraries
245 ERLINT Internal error Internal
246 ERLFIL Corrupted file File System
247 ERLDIR Corrupted directory File System
249 ERLFS Corrupted file system File System
250 ERLOSVER Incorrect operating system version Operating System
251 ERLMODU Bad or missing operating system component Operating System
252 ERLHW Incompatible hardware Installed Hardware Compatibility
253 ERLCPU Incompatible CPU Installed Hardware Compatibility
254 ERLDUMMY Dummy value (for test purposes) Dummy
255 ERLFAIL Used as a boolean to indicate failure Failure


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