hi all,

we are using mfilemon 1.5.0 to create PDF files on an Windows 2003 server. Sometimes we recieve a popup message wich reads "User command is locking the spooler. Wait anyway?". As long as the message is shown, no further print processing happens. After clicking "No" the printing resumes and everything works fine again, at last until the next message.

What is the meaning of the message and is there something we can do to avoid this issue?

Here are some additional information:

mfilemon 1.5.0
output path: c:\pdftrans
filename pattern: %t.pdf
overwrite existing files: no
user command:
c:\programme\gs\gs9.14\bin\gswin32c.exe -dBATCH -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -r600 -sOutputFile="%f" -
use pipe to send... : yes
wait process termination: no

thanks in advance!