
rebind action button with @UiAction

  • milky

    milky - 2013-01-15

    Hi folks,

    sorry for my english. This is great project, but I have little problem with rebinding of action button. In my project, every domain object is inspected with setToInspect method firstly and then with rebind method. Every domain class has one @UiAction annotated method called “Save”. The problem is that action button is not rebinding to new instance / domain object, but remains bound to firstly inspected object with setToInspect method. This behaviour is not appropriate, because the program tries to save firstly bound object, although there is another object same type displayed / bound in metawidget form.

    The code used for rebinding:

    smw.getWidgetProcessor(BeansBindingProcessor.class).rebind(mymodel, smw);

    Is the problem on the framework side or on my code side? I tried to find solution, but could not find any.

    Thanks for help,


    Last edit: milky 2013-01-15
  • milky

    milky - 2013-01-15

    Seems i found the solution. I added next line of code for both types of insection*, for setToInspect and rebind.

    smw.addWidgetProcessor( new ReflectionBindingProcessor());

    I dont know if repeated adding of widgetProcessor into one metawidget is right solution. So i added before addWidgetProcessor anoteher line of code:


    Is this right solution?

    *Of course there is only one type of inspection, namely setToInspect, the other one is not, but i called it for myself.


    Last edit: milky 2013-01-15
  • Kennard Consulting

    Hi Milky,

    Thanks for your interest in Metawidget!

    This is sort of a bug, but sort of not. Here's what's happening:

    1. BeansBindingProcessor works with BeansBinding. And BeansBinding only binds properties. It has no support for binding methods (as far as I know?). So BeansBindingProcessor has nothing to do with button clicks.
    2. ReflectionBindingProcessor binds button clicks using standard Java reflection
    3. Re-binding is a useful shortcut, offered by BeansBindingProcessor, for when your object changes but it's structure is identical to a previous object

    So what you're really asking for is a 'ReflectionBindingProcessor.rebind' method. But 'rebind' only makes sense for BeansBindingProcessor because BeansBindingProcessor also has a 'save' method. There is no ''.

    Rather than rebinding, you can just do a full re-inspection. You can just call 'smw.setToInspect( myNewObject )' and everything will get rebuilt. This is the cleanest solution. And, indeed, this is what you are (accidentally) triggering when you are manipulating the widgetprocessors list.

    Is a full re-inspection too expensive for you?



    • milky

      milky - 2013-01-21

      Hi Richard, please look at my (next) post, which I wrote 6 days ago.


      Last edit: milky 2013-01-21
      • Kennard Consulting

        Apologies I missed your reply.

        If you look at the code for you'll see a number of
        methods (including add/removeWidgetProcessor) call 'invalidateWidgets'
        which triggers a full re-inspection. So for example if you call
        'setReadOnly(true)' Metawidget will trigger a full rebuild with read-only

        Can you confirm this is what you're seeing?


        On 2013-01-21 11:14 PM, "milky" wrote:

        Hi Richard, please look at my (next) post, which I wrote 5 days ago.

        rebind action button with @UiAction

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        • milky

          milky - 2013-01-22

          Hi Richard

          It is my fault you missed my post, because I posted it like new post, not like answer.

          I looked at code and saw two things.

          • The method named setReadOnly looks like methods add/removeWidgetProcessor, it calls invalidateWidgets method. So the method setReadOnly is not much better than others two and let's call them 3M.

          • But there is another invalidate method named invalidateInspection and I understood (hopefully correct) there are three possibilities of metawidget building/using:

            1. inspection + widget building, using setToInspect method
            2. widget building, using 3M methods
            3. rebinding, without 3M methods

          Is it correct? Of course the best one is the third one, but without 3M methods there is not action button rebinding, so I have to be satisfied with the second case, which is better than first.



          Last edit: milky 2013-01-22
          • Kennard Consulting

            Ah, I see what you're saying. Sorry for not understanding sooner. I am away
            on holiday so have limited code access!

            You are correct. I will add a 'rebind' method to ReflectionBindingProcessor
            for you over the next couple days. Thanks for your patience.


            On 2013-01-23 12:21 AM, "milky" wrote:

            Hi Richard

            It is my fault you missed my post, because I posted it like new post, not
            like answer.

            I looked at code and saw two things.


            The method named setReadOnly looks like methods
            add/removeWidgetProcessor, it calls invalidateWidgets method. So the method
            setReadOnly is not much better than others two and let's call them 3M.

            But there is another invalidate method named invalidateInspection and
            I understood (hopefully correct) there are three possibilities of
            metawidget building:
            1. inspection + widget building, with setToInspect method
            2. widget building, with 3M methods
            3. rebinding, without 3M methods

            Is it correct? Of course the best one is the third one, but without 3M
            methods there is not action button rebinding, so I have to be satisfied
            with the second case, which is better than first.


            rebind action button with @UiAction

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            • Kennard Consulting


              Okay this is now checked in and available under:


              (find the latest version of the metawidget-all-*.jar)

              Could you please try it and confirm it works for you?



              On 23/01/2013 9:15 AM, Kennard Consulting wrote:

              Ah, I see what you're saying. Sorry for not understanding sooner. I am away
              on holiday so have limited code access!

              You are correct. I will add a 'rebind' method to ReflectionBindingProcessor
              for you over the next couple days. Thanks for your patience.


              On 2013-01-23 12:21 AM, "milky" wrote:

              Hi Richard
              It is my fault you missed my post, because I posted it like new post, not
              like answer.
              I looked at code and saw two things.
              The method named setReadOnly looks like methods
              add/removeWidgetProcessor, it calls invalidateWidgets method. So the method
              setReadOnly is not much better than others two and let's call them 3M.
              But there is another invalidate method named invalidateInspection and
              I understood (hopefully correct) there are three possibilities of
              metawidget building:
              1. inspection + widget building, with setToInspect method
              2. widget building, with 3M methods
              3. rebinding, without 3M methods
              Is it correct? Of course the best one is the third one, but without 3M
              methods there is not action button rebinding, so I have to be satisfied
              with the second case, which is better than first.
                  rebind action button with @UiAction
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  • milky

    milky - 2013-01-15

    Hi Richard

    Thank you for your prompt answer. You guessed right that I need to do something like 'ReflectionBindingProcessor.rebind' with effect on form buttons.

    I am a little bit confused. You wrote I am accidentally triggering full metawidget rebuild like setToInspect method does. I dont understand why. In my solution, I am only removing and adding instance of ReflectionBindingProcessor, which is responsible for Action binding. Besides, the response / speed of “building” metawidget is still different for both cases, the rebind method is faster than setToInspect method.

    To answer your question, full re-inspection is and is not too expensive for me. But I would rather choose shorter path, with rebinding. So once again, this is my rebind code, which rebinds properties and action button also:

    private void rebindMetaWidget(SwingMetawidget smw, DBase mymodel) {
            if (smw != null) {
                smw.getWidgetProcessor(BeansBindingProcessor.class).rebind(mymodel, smw);
                smw.addWidgetProcessor( new ReflectionBindingProcessor());

    and this is part of my setToInspect code (only adding, not removing of widgetProcessor):

    smw.addWidgetProcessor( new ReflectionBindingProcessor());



    Last edit: milky 2013-01-18
  • Kennard Consulting

    Metawidget 3.0, which includes this fix, has now been released. I'd be most grateful if you could download it and confirm it works for you.




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