Running MetaboLights locally
Aim: To download and install MetaboLights locally.
Requirements: (For the rest of this guide we assume you use Eclipse on windows.)
1.Eclipse IDE - SVN - Subclipse ( - SVN connector - svnkit 1.7.5 2.Apache tomcat server 6.0 3.Java - JRE 6 and JDK 1.6 4.MySQL 5.1*. (Oracle is also supported) - MySQL workbench 5.2*. (optional) 5.Maven 2.1
Install Eclipse, SVN on your computer and/or in your chosen IDE. Go to eclipse -> project -> Check ‘build automatically’.
On command line, use the following command:
'svn co metabolights'
Note: Last part ‘metabolights’ must be replaced by the full path where the user wants to install MetaboLights.
Create a MetaboLights configuration file for your IDE
If you use your IDE to change or update any files for your local MetaboLights installation, you need to create a configuration file. Open command line and navigate to the ‘MetaboLights’ root folder (you should see the pom.xml file there) and type ‘mvn eclipse:eclipse’. This will download all Maven dependencies. After this is done, type ‘mvn eclipse:clean’.
Click on ‘File’ -> ‘import’ -> ‘General’ -> ‘Existing Project...’ -> ‘Next’ -> click on ‘Browse..’ -> Locate ‘metabolights-webapps’ click ‘ok’. Right click on ‘metabolights-webapps’ project ‘configure’ -> ‘convert to maven...’.
Similar files can be greated for IntelliJ (mvn idea:idea) and NetBeans (mvn netbeans:netbeans)
Server and file configurations:
To enable the MetaboLights application to correctly connect to your database and use your local folders, you need to configure your tomcat servers context.xml file. This is normally under ‘Tomcat’ -> ‘Conf’ -> ‘Catalina’ -> ‘localhost’ -> ‘metabolights.xml’
You should use the template under ‘metabolights\metabolights-webapps\src\main\tomcat config\metabolights.xml’. Copy from this file and replace this in context.xml file.
Create folders under, ‘C:\MTBL\xxxx\DataLocation\’ in your file systems and change ‘data _location.xml’ to point to folders in your local system. Please note that in the xml file the folders should have two back-slash characters, like this ‘\\’.
Create folders ‘C:\MTBL\xxxx\Lucene\’ and change the line ‘luceneIndexDirectoryShort=C:\MTBL\xxxxx\Lucene\’ to point to it in ‘application properties’ file.
Change ‘’ file to ‘’ and point the ‘’ to ‘C:\MTBL\xxxxx\Lucene\’.
You must also ensure you have the correct database connection defined here, so the username, password and connection url. (You may also uncomment “” to create the required tables in an empty database.)
Build MetaboLights:
Navigate to the ‘MetaboLights root folder’ and run:
mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies compile cd metabolights-webapps mvn war:inplace war:war
This will create a war file under metabolights-webapps -> target. Please copy or move this file to the “docbase” reference in your “metabolights.xml” config file.
Like this: docBase="c:\user\home\metabolights\deploy\metabolights-webapp.war".
Now you should be ready to run MetaboLights from tomcat, so start up tomcat manually or from your IDE.
Known issues:
If you cannot compile MetaboLights in Eclipse, please make sure that you have java 1.6 defined as your default. Right click on project, go to ‘Properties’ -> ‘Java Compiler’ -> uncheck the ‘use compliance from execution environment…’ and change the ‘Compiler compliance level:’ to 1.6.
* If using mysql, you need to comment, these 2 lines in @SequenceGenerator(name="userSeq", sequenceName="USER_DETAIL_SEQ", allocationSize=1) and
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="userSeq")
And uncomment: //@GenaratedValue