Alessia Serena - 2024-05-27

Good morning, I have an issue I cannot solve while trying to create a mesh from a point cloud (obtained through LIDAR scan). I here attach the point cloud image:

I have tried anything: screened poisson recostruction gave me terrible results (the geometry was completely off), I tried simplifing the point cloud but I couldn't achieve any result at all.
I think one of the problem is with the normals, as I tried hundred of parameters but could not get Meshlab to compute it well.

Using ball pivoting method, I could obtain something that rasembles the true geometry.

Using laplacian smooth I could get interesting results, however the mesh results full of holes that I was not able to close (more and more non manifold surfaces appeared).
I am really desperate, I computed hundred meshes with no results at all.
Thank you in advance.