
Volume Calculation

  • lordsidyes

    lordsidyes - 2014-05-17

    I recently installed Meshlab, because I got some 3D .obj files of a body scanner. For my studies I need to calculate the volume of a person. In Meshlab I have the possibility to do that over Filters->Quality Measures and Computations->Compute Geometric Measures.
    But I really have no idea which unit the result has.
    "Mesh volume is xxxxx" - but what? cubic meter?

    And another questions, whether its possible to calculate the volume of parts of the body, e.g. by selecting them. Is there any possibility to do that?

    Thanks for your help.

    • Lars O. Grobe

      Lars O. Grobe - 2014-05-17


      just a guess, is volume units not simply related to input units? So if coordinates are in meters, I would expect volume to be m^3... You could easily verify with a model containing a cube of 1m x 1m x 1m.

      Cheers, Lars.

  • Paolo Cignoni

    Paolo Cignoni - 2014-05-19

    The vast majority of 3D formats is unit less. There are just coordinates in a 3D space. If you compute the volume of a cube of side 1 (whatever that '1' means), you get a volume of 1.



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